[color=black! important]sex
carries little or no risk for HIV, especially from mouth to
[color=black! important]penis.
Even without a condom, no testing is required after this sort of exposure.
有关口交 很小甚至是没风险 尤其是嘴对阴经 即使没带套 口交也是不需要检测的
condoms work and sexual exposures other than penile insertion carry no HIV risk. That includes kissing and fingering, regardless of cuts and nicks on the fingers.
No one has ever contracted HIV from using a condom correctly and consistently.
有关带套性jiao 安全套是有效的 而且其他行为是不会感染的 包括亲吻和指交,有没有伤口都不会感染 正确坚持使用安全套的情况下不会感染
a negative result is 100% reliable any time 4 or more weeks after the last exposure. Or have an antibody-only test at 6-8 weeks.
有关窗口期 4周以后的检测几乎是100%准确的 或者在6-8周做个检测(即6-8周是最终结果)
Cuts do not raise the risk of HIV unless trhe cut is deep and fresh, e.g. actively bleeding. In health care workers, all transmissions due to wounds occured when the wound was caused by an HIV-contaiminated sharp instrument, not because of expossure to pre-existing wounds
有关伤口 除非是很深的新鲜正在流血的伤口 否则不会增加感染风险,事实上 伤口感染都是发生在直接被污染的器具(针头之类的)弄伤而感染的,而不是已经存在的伤口受到感染
以上言论皆摘自美国最权威性病艾滋病专家之一Handsfield在MEDHELP论坛上的原话 且都是今年的
以上这些问题基本概括了恐友常问的问题 本人自己搜索并翻译的 望仔细阅读 不要盲目听从不正确的言论 望能置顶