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发表于 2008-10-24 16:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








Most people will test accurately for HIV after 6 weeks have passed since their last risk. In very rare cases where a person has a highly compromised immune system, such as those in which a person has recently undergone chemotherapy or an organ transplant, it may take 3-6 months for their body to develop enough antibodies to test positive. These are very extreme situations, however, and other more common conditions such as colds or the flu, diabetes, asthma, and many others, will not affect the body's development of HIV antibodies in that way. Those who suggest window periods longer than 6 weeks are trying to account for all those who may also have compromised immune systems. 绝大多数人在6周后(从最后一次危险活动算起)的hiv测验是准确的。极为少数的人,例如破坏免疫系统的人们,像一些动过内脏手术的人们,也许会在3-6个月才能检查出抗体。以上是非常少数比例的人群,但是,更多平常的例子如感冒,拉肚子,哮喘等等,这些平常的病例是不会影响身体产生抗体。那些建议窗口期长于6周的试图把那些已被破坏免疫系统的人们算在内。


以下回答是由医生是美国最高研究组组长并担任华盛顿大学教授。毕业于美国哥伦比亚医科大学(美国知名大学之一)H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. 对咨询做出的回答

I am a 20 year old white male college student. It has now been about
ten weeks since I had a little too much to drink one night and had
unprotected sex with a 19 year old white girl that I didn't know. She
was a year younger than I am and I'm not sure of her past history as
far as sex goes. I am pretty sure that she is not a drug user however.
At six weeks after possible exposure I tested negative for HIV at our
university health clinic. I got in contact with a doctor in the men's
clinic there and he said that he believes that I should be confident
that I am in fact HIV negative. Should I take this negative result as a
fact that I am HIV negative? Is it necessary to get tested further? I
would really like this all to be over because it has been ruined my
life for the past 10 weeks.

我是一个20岁的小伙子.现在已经10个礼拜,自从那夜我饮酒过多后与一位我不认识的;19岁的女孩子发生了无保护性交.她比我小一岁,而且我并不知道她的性交历史. 但我确定她不吸毒.我6周时去做了检验,为阴. 我与医生谈话时,他非常信任我可以被确诊为没有hiv病毒.我应该这么去想吗?我还需要测验吗?我真的希望这一切都可以结束因为它毁坏了我过去的10个礼拜.


In newly
infected persons, modern HIV tests almost always are positive within 6
weeks. Therefore, I agree with your student health clinic doctor.


1。5 关于快速法与6周论


A negative OraQuick test at 29 days is virtually 100% proof you weren't infected. Yes, you can move on if you have a negative HIV test at 6 weeks.



2 关于行为危险评价:

City Clinic is a specialty clinic which has
been providing diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs) to the San Francisco community since 1933.




Performing oral sex on a man

给与男性口交 (非常低危)

Performing oral sex on a woman


Receiving oral sex - man


Receiving oral sex - woman


Anal sex - top


Anal sex - bottom


Vaginal sex - man


Vaginal sex - woman


Oral-anal Sex


2。5 关于无套口交案例分析

由H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. 回答
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-24 16:36 | 显示全部楼层


案例1 :


Receiving oral sex hardly counts as a terrifying experience! Nobody
has been proved to ever catch HIV by receiving a BJ, and some experts
believe it to be no risk at all. Everyone agrees that if there is a
risk, it is in the range of 1 per 20,000 exposures. To put that in
perspective, that means receiving a BJ by an infected partner every day
for 55 years before getting infected.






Dear Sirs,

I cannot believe my own stupidity, I work in Nigeria and 10 weeks
ago got very drunk and brought a girl I met in a club home. I gave her
unprotected oral sex and then we had protected vaginal sex. I have been
worried since I woke up and relalized what I had done. I went for a
test today and will get the results on Friday. I feel physically sick
at the thought of going and picking up the results. Any thoughts you
have on the chances of HIV transmission through giving oral sex to a
woman would be appreciated, there is alot of conflicting infomation out
there and I have nobody here to talk to.


Relax. Most likely you weren't infected. To my knowledge, there are
no documented cases of acquiring HIV by performing cunnlingus on an
infected woman. If it occurs, undoubtedly it is rare. If this is your
only risky behavior recently, you can expect your test result to be
negative. (In fact, if you were my patient and the test came back
positive, I would look you in the eye and say "OK, let's talk about
your real risks, because you didn't catch it during that oral sex


案例3 :


I had sex with an Escort in New York city 28 days ago (Jan 21st). I wore a condom but I gave her oral sex and I also fingered her. After the encounter I realized that there was an open cold sore and a small cut on my finger the one I used to finger her (the sore and cut were there prior to the encounter) so I'm worried now about HIV, also I'm worried because I gave her cunnilingus.


You had safe sex by all definitions. Even if she were, the likelihood you were infected was near zero; there has never been a documented HIV transmission (in either direction) by cunnilingus or by hand-genital contact, with or without cuts or other lesions The likelihood you were infected with HIV is zero. But for anxiety relief, have a standard HIV antibody test 6 weeks after the event.


3。 日常生活中有没有被可能传染艾滋病毒。

My very close friend has tested positive for HIV recently. We used to
be very very close, so i used to share the same soda(drink) from the
same straw with her. meaning i used to share and consume her saliva. I
did that lot of times, may be ten times until now. We used to drink
from the same glass, that is how close we are,sharing the drink. Do i
need to worry about getting HIV from this incident?
Please answer.

咨询者提问 :我非常要好得一个朋友最近查出是HIV阳。我们原来真的非常密切,我们经常用一个吸管喝饮料。也就是说我原来说过她的口水。这类事情我做过许多次,大概至少有10次了吧。我能不能这样被感染呢?

They call HIV an STD because you have to have sex to transmit it. Or
direct blood exposure, such as by injection drug use. People who live
in the same households of HIV infected people, sharing bathrooms,
eating utensils, and the like, day in and day out, never get
HIV. Everybody knows these things and so should you.
You are not at risk. Your HIV infected friend needs your
friendship and support, not your withdrawal for fear of infection. If
she has a wound and bleeds, and you are the cleaner-upper, wear gloves
and wash your hands. Otherwise don't worry about it. There simply is
no chance.


你并没有任何危险.你已被感染hiv的朋友需要你的友谊和支持.并不是远离或者恐惧. 假如她有伤口以及流血,而且你又是去清理的那个人,戴上手套并洗手. 所以不必担心.你被感染根本不可能.




me: hi, i'd like to thank you at first for seeing me today.

DSM: oh, that's not a problem at all.

me: well, let's start with some questions

DSM: alright, go ahead

me: Which type of test do you preform when someone comes in for a HIV test.

DSM: many doctors have their own ways, but we run rapid test, OralQuick Advance HIV anitbody 1-2.

me: Is that any different to blood draw from finger rapid test?

DSM:no, they are all very highly accurate

me: There is this very interesting and new saying about, antibody can generate enough in 6 weeks to be detected by modern test, do you have any comments on this?


DSM: I can not really comment on that.

me: I am sorry if that was rude to ask, let me change the question, have you seen any one turn postive from a negative result by 6 weeks? From you 11 years of fighting HIV.

DSM: No, i have not seen any cases as that

me: how many people do you have come and tested for HIV per week?

DSM: not as many as we would like. There are people who encountered a high risk, but without any acknowledgement about HIV. We encourage people to get tested if you have a concern.
(我希望更多的人来, 有些人接触了高危险经历以后,却并不了解hiv.我们鼓励那些有疑问的人来测验)

me: from the people whom are tested postive with HIV, what is the first thing you do ?

DSM: We will try to comfort him or her,and use WB and ELISA to comfirm whether if it is reactive.

me: the infected group, tested postive at your clinic, what are their sexual behavior?

DSM: Most are homosexual and bisexual, from giving or reciving anal sex without protection. But hetrosexual's number is coming up as well.
(主要是同性与双性恋, 原因是接受或者给与肛交,在不用安全套的行为下. 但是男女性交也在逐渐上升)

me: Are those infected from hetrosxual used a condom

DSM: no they did not, and some were ripped.
(没有使用, 并且有些是破损安全套)

me: do you consider oral sex ( giving and reciving) on both sex, or masterbate someone's private part is dangerous.

DSM: there is a risk for oral sex, but it is exteremly low.
(口交是有一定的危险, 但是是非常渺小的)

me: have you ever seen anyone infected with oral sex?

DSM:no, never seen one.

me: When do you think there will be a cure for AIDS?

DSM: hopefully 5 years, hopefully


DSM: Educate yourself if you do not know about HIV, do not concludes without a testing result! I encourage everyone to get tested if you were at a risky encounter, do say there s skin rash, or you caught a cold, or your joint hurts. And concludes you have caught HIV, get tested and always use a condom.
(让自己去学习,认识艾滋病,不要在测试前就自我判断你是否感染! 我建议那些有过高危险的人们去测验,不要说你敢冒了,皮肤痒了,关节痛了,就结论说你得艾滋病了. 去测验并且一定要用安全套)

me: thank you very much for your time

 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-24 16:37 | 显示全部楼层





A negative OraQuick test at 29 days is virtually 100% proof you weren't infected. Yes, you can move on if you have a negative HIV test at 6 weeks.


对于现代的快速法, 6周论适合吗?HH: The rapid tests have a higher rate of false positive results (i.e., positive test in someone without HIV) than tests done in laboratories. The window period is the same as for laboratory-based tests.当实验报告与快速法相比,快速法有更高的假阳现象(好比阳的结果出现在一个未感染者). 但是窗口期两者是一样的.

回答是-美国HIV专家 Dr.Hunter Handsfield

Rapid assays for detecting specific HIV antibody were developed in the late 1980s, and are defined as tests that can yield results in <30 minutes. These tests gained popularity in the early 1990s, and as technology became refined, proved to be as accurate as the ELISA when performed carefully by experienced personnel.


美国HIV Insite 给出的结论


Rapid Tests:

A rapid test is a screening test that produces very quick results, in approximately 20 minutes. Rapid tests use blood from a vein or from a finger stick, or oral fluid to look for the presence of antibodies to HIV. As is true for all screening tests, a reactive rapid HIV test result must be confirmed with a follow-up confirmatory test before a final diagnosis of infection can be made. These tests have similar accuracy rates as traditional EIA screening tests.

快速法是在短时间内出结果的一种测验, 大约20分钟左右. 快速法可以用血或者口腔分泌水来查看艾滋病抗体, 就像所有的测验方式一样,快速法必须( 假如为阳性)做确诊测验(wb)才可以诊断. 这个测验方式与EIA方式是一样准确地.

以下是美国The body网站介绍快速法


What is the difference between a rapid HIV test and an EIA?
The rapid HIV test is easier to use and produces results more quickly than the EIA does. The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid HIV test are just as good as those of the EIA.



最近看到许多恐友或者一些人说快速怎么怎么不准确, 怎么怎么不如eia. 上面的解释大家自己看看,自己想想.
尤其是Dr.HH, 深为美国资深艾滋病专家,他说话一定是负责的,有长期的经验才会这么说的. 也许会有许多人不
赞同我的说法,看法. 因为大家都有自己的思想, 但是我非常相信我自己咨询出来的事实!!


The state health departments of Vermont, Rhode Island, New York and Massachusetts, the national Health Department of Australia based in Sydney, the L.A. gay Center, various health clinics in San Francisco and many other agencies use the "6-week" window period for HIV testing.


Keep in mind, these places and agencies are staffed with doctors and scientists VERY knowledgable about HIV and have tons and tons of caseloads for which to perform accurate research on.


These places are some of the most progressive and on the cutting edge of HIV/AIDS research.


The testing methods used to detect HIV antibodies have vastly improved in the past ten years and it doesn't matter whether the test performed on you was Gen 2, 3 or 4 or an OraQuick -- it doesn't matter at all!

在过去的10年来,测验方式在非常迅速的提高,而且不管是什么测验方式,(EIA2,3,4 或者快速法)!

In other less-progressive states, HIV/AIDS probably isn't a priority to them, therefor, they don't bother updating their medical legislation.




这次上帝让我避开了这一劫,但是我学会了宝贵的一课.那就是,我们身边有许多更需要我们关怀与爱的人.不要因为一时的冲动而导致那一切的消失. 我相信每当你想起父母,老婆,孩子,女朋友的时候,你眼前那赤裸而并不熟悉的人会突然给你一个无形的警告,那就是,我还有比你更重要的人,他(她)们还需要我健康的活着!

希望脱恐的朋友们早日回到正常的生活里面. 那些对HIV没有常识的朋友们可以读读我这个文章, 来看看自己是否大惊小怪了,

并且想跟大家说对不起,由于我的业余时间也在有限了,不能抽出大量时间来帮助恐友, 虽然来得很短,但是感觉大家真的都很诚心诚意的帮助大家. 非常的温馨! 走了还真有点舍不得. 最后送给大家这个文章希望它可以帮助你们!

发表于 2008-10-24 16:56 | 显示全部楼层

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