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发表于 2010-8-7 08:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

南加州大学的科学家Paula Cannon在7月2日的《自然—生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology)上描述了一种利用改造的干细胞控制艾滋病病毒感染的新方法。





“干细胞疗法令人激动之处在于它有可能成为一种‘一针’的疗法,因为干细胞可能在患者体内终身存在,持续制造这类抗艾滋病病毒的细胞……因此患者可以利用他们自己的细胞应对艾滋病病毒。” 她说。


美国国立卫生研究院疫苗研究中心主任、其中一份报告的作者Gary J. Nabel说,这些发现为艾滋病疫苗的设计提供了重要的见解。


“这个分子生物学的进展很重要,”联合国艾滋病规划署哥伦比亚办事处主任Luis ángel Moreno Díaz说。但是他也指出,“在这些新技术能够进行人体试验之前,仍然缺乏一些步骤”。



Nature Biotechnology  doi:10.1038/nbt.1663

Human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells modified by zinc-finger nucleases targeted to CCR5 control HIV-1 in vivo
Nathalia Holt1, Jianbin Wang2, Kenneth Kim2, Geoffrey Friedman2, Xingchao Wang3, Vanessa Taupin3, Gay M Crooks4, Donald B Kohn4, Philip D Gregory2, Michael C Holmes2 & Paula M Cannon1

CCR5 is the major HIV-1 co-receptor, and individuals homozygous for a 32-bp deletion in CCR5 are resistant to infection by CCR5-tropic HIV-1. Using engineered zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), we disrupted CCR5 in human CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) at a mean frequency of 17% of the total alleles in a population. This procedure produces both mono- and bi-allelically disrupted cells. ZFN-treated HSPCs retained the ability to engraft NOD/SCID/IL2rγnull mice and gave rise to polyclonal multi-lineage progeny in which CCR5 was permanently disrupted. Control mice receiving untreated HSPCs and challenged with CCR5-tropic HIV-1 showed profound CD4+ T-cell loss. In contrast, mice transplanted with ZFN-modified HSPCs underwent rapid selection for CCR5?/? cells, had significantly lower HIV-1 levels and preserved human cells throughout their tissues. The demonstration that a minority of CCR5?/? HSPCs can populate an infected animal with HIV-1-resistant, CCR5?/? progeny supports the use of ZFN-modified autologous hematopoietic stem cells as a clinical approach to treating HIV-1.


Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1187659

Rational Design of Envelope Identifies Broadly Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV-1
Xueling Wu,1,* Zhi-Yong Yang,1,* Yuxing Li,1,* Carl-Magnus Hogerkorp,1, William R. Schief,4 Michael S. Seaman,5 Tongqing Zhou,1 Stephen D. Schmidt,1 Lan Wu,1 Ling Xu,1 Nancy S. Longo,1 Krisha McKee,1 Sijy O’Dell,1 Mark K. Louder,1 Diane L. Wycuff,1 Yu Feng,1, Martha Nason,2 Nicole Doria-Rose,3 Mark Connors,3 Peter D. Kwong,1 Mario Roederer,1 Richard T. Wyatt,1, Gary J. Nabel,1, John R. Mascola1,

Cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) are found in the sera of many HIV-1–infected subjects, but the virologic basis of their neutralization remains poorly understood. We used knowledge of HIV-1 envelope (Env) structure to develop antigenically resurfaced glycoproteins specific for the structurally conserved site of CD4 receptor binding. These probes were used to identify sera with NAbs to the CD4-binding site (CD4bs) and to isolate individual B cells from such an HIV-1–infected donor. By expressing immunoglobulin genes from individual cells, we identified three monoclonal antibodies, including a pair of somatic variants that neutralized over 90% of circulating HIV-1 isolates. Exceptionally broad HIV-1 neutralization can be achieved with individual antibodies targeted to the functionally conserved CD4bs of gp120, an important insight for future HIV-1 vaccine design.


Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1192819

Structural Basis for Broad and Potent Neutralization of HIV-1 by Antibody VRC01
Tongqing Zhou,1 Ivelin Georgiev,1,* Xueling Wu,1,* Zhi-Yong Yang,1,* Kaifan Dai,1 Andrés Finzi,2 Young Do Kwon,1 Johannes Scheid,3 Wei Shi,1 Ling Xu,1 Yongping Yang,1 Jiang Zhu,1 Michel C. Nussenzweig,3 Joseph Sodroski,2,4 Lawrence Shapiro,1,5 Gary J. Nabel,1 John R. Mascola,1 Peter D. Kwong1,

During HIV-1 infection, antibodies are generated against the region of the viral gp120 envelope glycoprotein that binds CD4, the primary receptor for HIV-1. Among these antibodies, VRC01 achieves broad neutralization of diverse viral strains. Here, we determine the crystal structure of VRC01 in complex with an HIV-1 gp120 core. VRC01 partially mimics CD4 interaction with gp120. A shift from the CD4-defined orientation, however, focuses VRC01 onto the vulnerable site of initial CD4 attachment, allowing it to overcome the glycan and conformational masking that diminishes the neutralization potency of most CD4-binding-site antibodies. To achieve this recognition, VRC01 contacts gp120 mainly through V-gene–derived regions substantially altered from their genomic precursors. Partial receptor mimicry and extensive affinity maturation thus facilitate neutralization of HIV-1 by natural human antibodies.
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