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发表于 2014-12-5 19:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sean Cummings
I had a 20 - 30 seconds unprotected vaginal intercourse with a massage lady. She offered the condom, but stupidly i asked her for some seconds without it. I pulled out and ejaculated outside. No oral or anal sex, but there was some fingering included. I started PEP around 30 hours after that with tenofovir & lamivudine once daily each. The reason my doctor put me on pep was that she is from a high prevalence country (Thailand). I asked her if she is ckean & she said yes & also said she never done it before without a condom. She asked me if i am clean as well. She looks ok & also i haven't noticed any sign of lying in all what we discussed during the massage. However, because i didn't sleep well adter that incidence, i decided to take the safest option & my baseline result was negative. My question is regarding the odds of contracting HIV in a situation like that. It was a gentle sex with some lubricant (from the massage), and i haven't noticed any blood on my pinus, also she wasn't wet during the intercourse, no signs of STDs on her nor any IDU if that can help. I can't sleep well, can't concentrate in my job even when i know that the chances are low. Any help?!!

May 17, 2014
To: poormind
Hello and my apologies for the delay, I'm on leave in a part of the world with terrible internet so this will be my third attempt to answer this question. I am sorry.

The chances of HIV acquisition from an HIV positive female is of the order of 1 in 1000 per episode. That assumes of course that she is HIV positive in the first place. In this situation you have drawn the conclusion that she is HIV positive because she is a sex worker and luckily those two things don't necessarily go together and she in fact is likely to be HIV negative.

Your episode was very brief indeed with minimal exposure so combined with the fact that she was likely not HIV positive and even if she had been your chances per episdoe were limited I would say that you are very likely to have dodged this particular bullet. I don't believe you will be HIV positive from this.
That said, for your peace of mind and for certainty I would suggest that you do have an HIV test at 28 days after the event using an HIV DUO 4th generation HIV test.

kind regards, Sean

上面最后一段说明,四代试剂 28天就可以,大家觉得4周可以排除吗

发表于 2014-12-5 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-5 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
珍爱生命_521 发表于 2014-12-5 21:36
4代试剂28天基本排除,但是严谨一点还是6-8周内2次检测排除最为稳妥,另外要区别一些特殊情况导致的窗口期 ...

请问专家,正常窗口期不会变长吧?“特殊情况” 是指服用阻断药物了吧,还有别的情况吗? 我的行为在另外一个帖子里,http://www.120x.net/forum.php?mo ... p;page=1#pid1274575
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发表于 2014-12-6 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
3211123 发表于 2014-12-5 21:46
请问专家,正常窗口期不会变长吧?“特殊情况” 是指服用阻断药物了吧,还有别的情况吗? 我的行为在另外 ...

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