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发表于 2010-6-15 16:24
安全套, medhelp, 症状, 专家, 题目
以下是medhelp上两位专家H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.和 Edward W Hook, MD关于窗口期,症状和安全套题目的回复 窗口期: by Edward W Hook, MD Oct 25, 2008 09:40PM Finally, on the 29th, at four weeks you can expect that the HIV test would detect between 85 and 90% of HIV infections that had occurred 4 weeks earlier. At 6 weeks the figure goes up to 95%, at 8 weeks tests are 98-99% accurate and at 12 weeks results are entirely conclusive. In your situation with a single exposure of the sort you describe, the 4 week test will go a long way towards proving that you do not have HIV. Hope this helps. Take care. EWH http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/666793 大体意思为:4周正确率为85-90%,6周为95%,8周为98-99%,12周可以下终极结论 by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. Oct 13, 2008 01:58PM
The health center practitioner have given you pretty accurate information. The standard antibody tests (both oral and blood) can become positive as early as 10 days; about 50% are positive by 2-3 weeks; about 90% by 3-4 weeks; and 95-99% by 6-8 weeks. By 3 months it is 100% for all practical purposes. Many health authorities say to wait 3 months, to reduce even the slightest chance that it takes that long for the test to become positive. But that is highly conservative. http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/655044 personal_page_id=297011&post_id=post_3606471 大体意思为:假如感染了hiv,2-3周有50%转阳,3-4周90%转阳,6-8周95-99%转阳,3个月100%转阳 关于安全套: by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. Nov 03, 2008 11:08PM
I missed that there was vaginal as well as oral, but no, it doesn't change my opinion or advice. No, I have never seen a patient (or heard of one from my many colleagues) who acquired HIV from condom protected vaginal [被屏蔽] http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/675330 personal_page_id=297011&post_id=post_3613408 大体意思为:我从来没有碰到(或者从我同事那里听说)有患者全程正确使用安全套阴道交感染hiv的例子. 关于症状: 提问为: The lymph nodes under my jaw started to become a little swollen after about 2.5 weeks of exposure (confirmed by my doctor) and they are still swollen but I think not a large as before. All other nodes, armpits and groin area are not swollen. I didn't have any fever and sore throat but I had a very mild headache which could have been due to my sinus problems which is also bothering me with my ears now. my question is that is it possible that I am experiencing ARS It's just that the timing is very concerning. Also only last night I woke up with a night sweat. http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/614640 我2.5周开始有下颌淋巴肿大(医生确认),腹股沟和腋窝没有肿大,且晚上有盗汗惊醒的情况,这是不是ARS(急性逆转录病毒感染综合症) 回答为: by Edward W Hook, MD You have seemed to missed our repeated statements that the symptoms of the ARS are TOTALLY non-specific and when people experience "ARS symptoms" they are much more likely to have something else, usually some other, more typical virus infection. When this has been studied in the US, less than 1% of persons seeking medical care for "ARS symptoms" are found to have HIV, the remainder having symptoms due to other processes. In contrast, over a given year, there is almost no one who has not had a viral illness, night sweats or both (sometimes on multiple occasions). In addition, it is also important to realize that many persons who acquire HIV do not experience the ARS. For a person to try to judge their HIV risk based on "ARS symptoms" is a waste of time. Your swollen lymph node and night sweat may represent a community acquired, non-HIV viral infection but are most unlikely to be ARS. 急性期症状是完全没有特异性的,人人所谓的急性期症状往往是由于其他常见的病毒感染.低于1%由于急性期症状去咨询的人真正感染了hiv,相反几乎没有人在一年内完全不感染病毒或盗汗或两者兼有.另外,有很多感染hiv的人实际上并没有急性期症状.通过急性期症状来推断hiv的风险是浪费时间.你的淋巴结肿大和盗汗可能是由于一些可以通过日常生活传染的感染造成的,而非hiv急性期症状. |