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刚在melhelp看到DR hhh 关于KJ,DTXJ的回答,贴出来给大家共享

发表于 2013-6-27 16:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I'm freaking out. I recently had sex with a woman and am worried that I could have gotten HIV. I used a condom throughout our experience. She first gave me a blowjob with the condom on then I had sex with her with the condom. After which she then gave me a handjob and another blowjob with condom on. I then masterbasted with the condom on til I had an orgasm. Could I have contracted hiv while masterbating (masturbating)?


Welcome to the forum.

This was a zero risk event for HIV, for several reasons.  Statistically, there probalby was no higher than 1 chance in a thousand your partner had HIV.  If she did, you protected by the condom.  HIV is not transmitted by oral sex; or if it is, it's rare enough to be ignored.  Hand-genital contact is free of risk.  And of course you can't infect yourself by masturbating, with or without a condom!

You do not need HIV testing and if you have a regular partner, you can continune unprotected sex without risk of transmitting HIV or any other STD.

I hope this has helped.  Best wishes--  HHH, MD

希望能够帮上你--  HHH, MD
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