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发表于 2010-5-21 22:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 健康QQ 于 2010-5-21 23:19 编辑

sex partner tested postive
by sam389, Apr 09, 2010 09:36PM
HI dear
Im 24 years old male and had unprotected oral sexBuccal smear
Causes of sexual dysfunction
Child abuse - sexual
Delayed ejaculation
Erection problems
Female sexual dysfunction
Inhibited sexual desire
Orgasmic dysfunction
Puberty and adolescence
Safe sex
Sexual intercourse - painful with a unkonw girl about 6 weeks ago . she tested postive for

hiv a week after we had oral sexBuccal smear
Causes of sexual dysfunction
Child abuse - sexual
Delayed ejaculation
Erection problems
Female sexual dysfunction
Inhibited sexual desire
Orgasmic dysfunction
Puberty and adolescence
Safe sex
Sexual intercourse - painful ,im so scare and not feeling good at all for last 4 weeks ,i ve

been having headache,nauseous , abdominal pain and fatigue and right now at 6 .5weeks post

exposure im having abdominal pain,nauseou early in the morning , loss of appetite, rash on

my back ,and muscles and joint pain.
i need to tell u we had  a freanch kissing and i  sucking her neack and lipsCleft lip and

Cleft lip repair - series
Coronary risk profile
Hdl test
Herniated nucleus pulposus
High blood cholesterol and triglycerides
Ldl test
Lipase test
Lipocytes (fat cells)
Lipoma - arm
Liposuction - series too ?can i get hiv if blood gets in to my mouth ?i cheacked her mouth

and her lipsCleft lip and palate
Cleft lip repair - series
Coronary risk profile
Hdl test
Herniated nucleus pulposus
High blood cholesterol and triglycerides
Ldl test
Lipase test
Lipocytes (fat cells)
Lipoma - arm
Liposuction - series and there wasnt any blood at her mouth that i could see ,
i know that u consider oral sexBuccal smear
Causes of sexual dysfunction
Child abuse - sexual
Delayed ejaculation
Erection problems
Female sexual dysfunction
Inhibited sexual desire
Orgasmic dysfunction
Puberty and adolescence
Safe sex
Sexual intercourse - painful as safeSafe driving for teens
Safe sex sex in this fourm but what about if there  was a small amount of blood in her mouth

when she was sucking me ?can blood get in my body through my pines?and if not ,could u plz

tell me why ?
i really think that i cotracted hiv from her ,plz help me , im going to get test this monday

at 7 weeks post ,i got one hiv test after a week which was negtive .
what are the chances that i contracted hiv ?
what else my  symptoms can be related to ?
thankssex patner tested postive
by sam389,Apr 09,2010 09:36 pm







by Edward W Hook, MD, Apr 09, 2010 10:55PM
Welcome to our Forum. I understand how unsettling exposure to a partner with HIV can be.  

Nonetheless, your risk of acquiring HIV from this exposure is very, very low.  The quoted

figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000

and, in my estimation that is too high. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral

sex.  Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a

convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex.  The risk from kissing, even French

kissing, is zero.   

The symptoms you describe can be due to any number of causes, including anxiety.  On the

other hand, they have occurred too late to be typical of early HIV infection which typically

occurs at 2-3 weeks following exposure.

I agree with your plans to seek testing although, to be honest, this is more for your own

peace of mind that for any major risk for HIV.  I predict the tests you have will be

negative.  When they are, believe your test results.   

Hope this comment is helpful to you.  EWH

译文(这是专家的回复Edward W Hook MD)
理论上讲,kj的感染的概率低于1/1000,但是,据我估计 ,这个是相当保守的估计(太高了),一些专






by sam389, Apr 09, 2010 11:23PM
To: DR
Thanks alot for responding ,just wanted to know if blood from her mouth gets to my mouth

while kissing can i contract hiv ?if there was any blood in her mouth while doing oral on me

could that blood get in my pines through her mouth ?



by Edward W Hook, MD, Apr 10, 2010 12:48PM
No, no risk, even if her blood gets into your mouth.  No risk.  EWH

译文(专家回复 Edward W Hook MD)
by manmadhan, Apr 11, 2010 01:04AM
To: sam389
Dear Sam, I recently attended a workshop on HIV (in Singapore). According to the counsellor,

it takes at least one litre of saliva to infect another person with HIV. French kissing and

oral sex can never give you one litre of saliva. so not to worry.
译文(manmadhan 的回复,可能是另外一个专家)
致 sam389(咨询者)


by sam389, Apr 13, 2010 10:35AM
To: DR
just wanted to let u know that i got my 7 weeks hiv test result back and it was negative

,should i get another test at 12 weeks or i can move on ?and what  do u think about the  

nycbuddy3`s comment ,is that truth ?Increased attention to oral-genital contact as a means

of acquiring HIV appears to be warranted. ?!!!


by Edward W Hook, MD, Apr 13, 2010 02:54PM
There are flaws in nycbuddy's post and the abstract that was posted.  I know these authors

personally and they regret the way the abstract is being used to support the erroneous idea

that HIV is transmitted thorough oral sex.   

Personally, I would not worry further about infection and do not see any need for further

testing.  EWH   

译文(专家回复 Edward W Hook MD)

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