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发表于 2013-4-4 01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What are the odds that I have Herpes?

By anxious insan jose|(由焦虑的约瑟提问)

Answered by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.(由H. 亨特.汉斯菲尔德博士回答)

Three days ago I visited a legal brothel in Nevada and had oral and vaginal sex with a prostitute. It lasted about five to ten minutes. I wore a condom, but there may have been some skin to skin contact at the base of my penis. Afterward I immediately cleaned this area with a disinfectant (used to clean the shower) and washed the area in the shower. The next day I saw a doctor and got a prescription for Valtrex. I took one thousand mg about every four hours for 24 hours hoping it might work like a morning after pill. I have now cut back to one thousand mg every twelve hours. She said that she was clean and that she has to be tested every thirty days to work there, but that is no guarantee. I am really worried about the possibility of contracting herpes and I know I should get tested, but will the Valtrex affect the results? I really don't want to tell my wife about the incident if I don't have HSV. Will the Valtrex reduce the possibility of transmitting it to her while I await the test results? I'm feeling tingling near the base of my penis, on my balls, and near my anus. Could that be the prodrome? I really need your help. Thank you.
     天前我在内华达州的一个合法妓院里和一名小jie进行了KJ和XJ。这个过程持续了  到 分钟。我带着避孕套,但是在我
区域。第二天我去看医生,医生给我开了伐昔洛韦。那个小jie说她自己很干净并且自从她到这工作以来每隔  天就要检测一次,但是我觉得不可靠。我真的非常担心有可能感染疱疹而且我知道自己应该去检查,但是伐昔洛韦会影响到结果吗?如果我没有感染疱疹,我真的不想把这件事告诉我妻子。当我在等待检查结果时,伐昔洛韦会降低把疱疹传染给妻子的可能性吗?我感觉我yj的底部,睾丸和肛门附近有刺痛感,这些会是得病的先兆吗?我真的需要你的帮助,谢谢。

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You have seriously overreacted to a minimal risk situation.  Your actions, especially in your inappropriate treatment with valacyclovir -- which did absolutely nothing to prevent herpes but, as you suggest, could interfere with finding out whether you were infected.
I would estimate the chance you caught herpes form the exposure described as well under one chance in thousand, maybe as low as one in ten thousand.  It was wrong of your doctor to agree to your reqeust for valacyclovir treatment.  Research in animal models shows that an anti-HSV drug given before exposure prevents infection.  But if treatment of the exposed animal is delayed until only an hour after exposure, it has no effect in preventing infection.  Taking valacyclovir the next day therefore did nothing to reduce the chance you were infected.  And it could indeed result in delayed positive test results in the event you actually caught HSV.
  从你上述的行为,我估计你感染疱疹的可能性在 分之 以下,也许低到  分之 。你的医生同意你采用伐昔洛韦治疗是不正确的。动物模型研究显示在性行为之前服用抗疱疹的药物对防止感染是有效的。但是在性行为之后延迟哪怕仅仅是 个小时,再给动物以治疗,就无法起到预防的作用。因此,第  天服用伐昔洛韦是不会减少你感染的可能性的。并且如果你真的感染了疱疹,它能使你的检测结果延迟呈现阳性的反应。
Your symptoms are not remotely suggestive of herpes.  They are typical, however, for genitally focused anxiety increasing your awareness of trivial symptoms or of normal body sensations.  In addition, there is no such thing as prodrome in an initial HSV infection; it's only an issue for recurrent herpes outbreaks.
My strong advice is that you stop valacyclovir; and if you don't develop typical symptoms of herpes, you don't even need testing.  I also recommend you continue unprotected sex with your regular partner.  That's what I would do in your situation.
Regards--  HHH, MD
.祝健康--H. 亨特.汉斯菲尔德博士



To: Dr. Handsfield

Thank you for your advice. I'm still feeling very guilty, but a lot less worried about Herpes. I have stopped taking the Valcyclovir.
   I read in another post that washing the area with alchohol or a disinfectant might actually increase the risk of transmission. Do you agree with that?

Thanks again for your very helpful advice. 再次感谢你非常有帮助的建议。


H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.    H. 亨特.汉斯菲尔德博士
Thanks for the thanks.  I'm glad to have helped. 谢谢你的谢意。很高兴我能帮助你。

The business about cleaning, alcohol, etc increasing risk is speculative, i.e. no data exist.  A single research report suggested a higher rate of HIV in men if they washed with soap and water after unprotected exposure to infected sex workers.  But it was a small, weakly designed study and to my knowledge it was never confirmed.  The risk of herpes or any other STD has never been studied.  On the other hand, in distant past decades, it was widely believed that washing after sex helped prevent syphilis.
关于对清洗,用酒精等等,增加危险性的研究是推测的,也就是说,没有数据存在。 项单独的研究报告指出,如果男人在和已经感染的性工作者发生无保护性的性行为后,用水和肥皂冲洗是会有更高的几率感染hiv的。但是它只是小规模,设计力度不够的研究并且在我的知识范畴中,它从来没被证实过。疱疹或其它性病的危险性从来没有被研究过。另 方面,在过去的  年中,在性行为后冲洗有助于防止梅毒的观点被广泛的接受。

My take on it is that there is probably neither much help nor harm from washing with soap and water after sex, i.e. no change in risk of HIV or other STDs.  If there is any effect either way, I'm confident it's small.  From a simple hygiene standpoint, some people like showering or bathing after sex, and I would not discourage it.  However, I would avoid vigorous scrubbing, and would also avoid alcohol in the genital area -- too irritating, especially on moist tissues (under the foreskin, female labia, etc).
.我的观点是在性行为后冲洗可能既没好处也没坏处,也就是说改变不了hiv和其它性病的感染率。如果说有作用的话,我认为作用比较小。从简单的卫生学角度看, 些人喜欢在XJ后淋浴或洗澡,我并不是不鼓励这种行为。但是,我 会避免激烈的搓洗,也会避免用酒精在外阴部位清洗——太刺激了,尤其是对湿润的器官而言(如包皮里面,女性的阴唇等)。

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