The Great ORAL Debate. This is probably our most common question. Unprotected oral sex. Is it a risk? The short answer: NO. The long answer....
There is often a difference in the answers given by the docs in the expert forum vs us. People have to understand that medical professionals and the CDC have a responsibility to be ULTRA conservative when discussing risks. Therefore, there is a MINUTE theoretical risk assigned to oral sex. If oral sex was TRULY a real risk, there would be new cases all the time of HIV being transmitted in this manner. There absolutely is NOT. And a theoretical risk is VERY different from an actual risk. The docs have BOTH said time and time again in the expert forum that neither of them, in their combined DECADES of being specialists dealing with HIV have EVER seen a case of HIV as a result of oral sex, nor have they READ any convincing cases. There is a physiological reason for that. First, the virus isn't present in the saliva, making infection impossible for the receptive partner (the person receiving oral sex). Secondly, for the person GIVING oral sex, THEIR saliva contains enzymes that inhibit the virus, should they be exposed to infected genital secretions. Secondly, again, the virus has been exposed to the air and elements, rendering it inactive in an oral situation. This debate will continue, but again, for anyone worrying about an oral exposure...think of the facts. If it was truly a risk, there would be newly reported cases ALL the time.
通常我们的回答和专家论坛的答案有所不同。大家要明白一点,医学专家和CDC在讨论行为风险的时候有必要保持过度的保守。所以,口交是有一个极小的所谓的“理论”风险。如果口交真有“事实”的风险的话,那么应该总能发现一些通过这种行为感染的新病例。但是绝对没有。同时“理论”的风险和实际的风险有很大的不同。专家版块的两位专家(译注:Dr.HHH和Dr.Hook)经常说,在他们两个作为HIV专家几十年从来没见过一例通过口交感染的例子,和没有看到过任何可信的报道。这里有一个生理学的原因。首先,口水中是没有病毒的(译注:不足以感染的病毒含量)所以口交的接受方是不可能感染的。其次,对以口交的主动方,他们的口水中有多种酶可以抑制病毒,如果他们暴露于感染性的生殖器分泌液。再次,在口交的过程中,病毒已经暴露于外部环境中,已经失活。这个争论还会继续,但是再说一次,如果谁担心口交的风险,那么请想想这些事实。如果真是个有风险的行为,那应该总有新的案例报道。 |