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发表于 2010-2-20 13:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Oral Sex - HIV Risk
by sassafras22, Feb 15, 2010 06:01PM
Hi Doctor,

I'm sure you get this question a lot but I still need to ask because I am concerned.
I am a heterosexual female and very recently performed oral sex on a man of unknown status.
He did ejaculate into my mouth, although I only swallowed a very small quantity of it.

I later found out (indirectly) that this guy is interested in both women and men (his exact sexual history I am unaware of unfortunately). Can you please tell me my actual risk of acquiring HIV from this act and how concerned I should be?

My mouth is in good overall health although I did perform the oral sex for a while and we had been kissing a lot prior to that. In a worst case scenario, assuming he was HIV+, can you tell me how concerned I should be?
I plan to have a DNA PCR test done two weeks after the incident but I am just wondering how worried I should be from now til then.

Thanks so much in advance. (大意---你好,医生。我非常担心我的行为所以我想咨询一下,尽管我知道你被问及类似的问题已经很多次了。我最近给一个陌生男人进行了口交,他射在了我嘴巴里,我只吞下了很少的精液。但我之后发现他竟然是个双性恋,虽然我还没搞清楚他的性史。尽管我给他口交和湿吻了,但我的嘴巴应该是没问题的。在糟糕的情况下,假设他是个艾滋病患者,你能告诉我我感染HIV的风险有多大吗?)

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Doctor's Answer

by Edward W Hook, MD, Feb 15, 2010 06:55PM
Welcome to our Forum.  The exposure you describe is virtually no risk.  Some would argue that you do not need testing at all.  Kissing is no risk, even deep kissing and even with gum or dental disease. The quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral sex.  Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex.

In your case, even though your partner may have same sex as well as heterosexual partners, it is unlikely that the has HIV.

I know you have had HIV PCRs in the past following exposures of concern.  I urge you to save your money on this one.  If you must, go on and get a blood test in a few weeks (the result at 8 weeks would be definitive for you.(大意---你感染HIV的风险非常小,几近于无。也许有人会说你完全不必要检测。接吻不会传染HIV,哪怕是深度接吻、牙龈和牙齿出现病状。根据统计数据,一个人与HIV携带者口交,感染HIV的机率小于万分之一,但根据我的经验,我认为这个比例应该太高了。一些专家认为口交完全不会传染HIV。在这个论坛上,所有的专家都没有看过能完完全全证明因为口交而传染HIV的医学研究文章。根据你的情况,即便你的性伴侣有过双性性jiao史,也不表明他就携带HIV。我建议你省点钱别浪费在做检测上。如果你实在不放心,做个血检就可以了。在高危行为8周后做血检所得出的结果对你来说就可以确诊了)
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