
楼主 |
发表于 2012-7-23 19:39
Dear Dr,
I'm a chinese male, 26. I really suffered a lot these days. I put a question to the medical support forum, people there make me much stable . But I worried about other sth. after heared from someone , make me nervous again.
On April 30th , I have a protected oral & protected vagina sex with a CSW;
On May 3rd, another CSW, I put my penis between her legs, without condom, our postures like doing entercourse, I rubbed penis on her leg and ejaculated, and afraid of my glans touched her vulva and secretions. I remember I feel a little itch on my urethra several seconds, but not very sure; she show me her nagetive report 3 weeks after the action.
On May 9th, another CSW, I received a hand-job, and during that I do feel itch in my urethra, after that I met a DR and be told got a mycoplasma pneumoniae infection which I think because took a bath in the first CSW’s place, use the towels. THE PROBLEM IS, I touch her vulva during the hand-job and maybe touch my glans or urethral orifice after that.
More details: I touched her vulva without finger-insert, and don't feel moist. before I touch my penis with my finger again, it about 3mins,I touch her leg and make my finger expose to the air.
I read a lot your answers and know hand-job is safe even when genital secretions are used for lubrication. BUT WHAT ABOUT one have mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, when I met a doctor for my 8 weeks' test, she said this STD can make a lot "target cell" - CD4 there, so dangerious and I should take 12 week test. Now I have 15-20 rash on my neck since about my 49-52 days, still there now, project out the skin , like a folliculitis.
What do you think about my situation? The leg-stuff is safe? If have SUCH A STD , then do a hand-job, genital secretions used for lubrication is still safe? 3 mins’ expose enough? 55 days negtive is conclusive? Need further test?
Thank you very much