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发表于 2012-6-15 13:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Oral sex is generally a low risk activity. It is likely to be zero or close to zero in most circumstances. This will be higher depending on these factors:
·         Whether you are receiving or giving oral sex? Receiving oral sex is likely to be zero or near zero risk. Saliva is not linked to HIV transmissions.
·         Whether you are giving oral sex to a man or a woman? Giving a woman oral sex is likely to be zero or close to zero risk. Cervical/vaginal fluid, even if infectious, is more difficult to get in your mouth compared to semen.
·         Whether cum or pre-cum or gets in the mouth? If there is no cum or no pre-cum then the risk is zero, but it can sometimes be difficult to know this.
·         The oral hygiene of the person giving the oral sex? The mouth is generally very resistant to infection, but cuts or sores, bleeding gums, can be a route for infection.
·         Most cases reporting oral sex as a risk for HIV report mouth problems. Gum problems are common (perhaps in 10-50% of adults). If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss this will be a route for HIV.


f the different sex acts, the one that often causes the greatest amount of confusion in terms of risk – and raises the greatest number of questions – is penile-oral sex. The fact is, most experts agree that fellatio, sometimes referred to as "blow jobs," is not an efficient route of HIV transmission. However, this does not mean that it cannot happen.
Research attempting to evaluate the risk of fellatio has often faced important limitations. For starters, very few people participating in studies only engaged in penile-oral sex. Many people also had unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse, making it very difficult to determine if unprotected fellatio is an "independent factor" associated with HIV transmission. There are also people who test positive for HIV and claim that unprotected fellatio was their only risky behavior. However, it's virtually impossible to know if these people are always reporting their sexual behavior accurately. (Study volunteers often have a difficult time admitting the truth about potentially embarrassing behavior to healthcare professionals conducting scientific studies.)
Because unprotected fellatio can mean that body fluids from one person can (and do) come into contact with the mucosal tissues or open cuts, sores, or breaks in the skin of another person, there is a "theoretical risk" of HIV transmission. "Theoretical risk" means that passing an infection from one person to another is considered possible, even though there haven't been any (or only a few) documented cases. This term can be used to differentiate from documented risks. Having unprotected receptive anal or vaginal intercourse with an HIV-positive partner is a documented risk, as they have been shown in numerous studies to be an independent risk factor for HIV infection. Having unprotected oral sex is a theoretical risk, as it is considered possible, but has never been shown to be an independent risk factor for HIV infection.
Here's a good way to think about theoretical risk: In theory, it is possible that while walking down the street, a meteor will fall on your head and kill you instantly. This is because meteors do occasionally fall to earth. People live their lives above ground, so there is a theoretical risk of being hit be a meteor. In fact, there have been reports of a few people being hit by meteors. But because the risk is so small, given that few meteors fall to earth and the large number of inhabitants of this planet, the risk is purely theoretical. The same principle holds true with oral sex – millions of people all over the world are believed to engage in unprotected oral sex and there have only been a handful of documented cases of HIV transmission. In turn, fellatio, and other types of oral sex (see below), remains a theoretical risk for HIV infection.
There have been a number of studies that have closely followed MSM and heterosexual couples, in which one partner was HIV positive and the other partner was HIV negative. In all of the studies, couples that used condoms consistently and correctly during every experience of vaginal or anal sex – but didn't use condoms during oral sex – did not see HIV spread from the HIV positive partner to the HIV negative partner.
There have been three case reports and a few studies suggesting that some people have been infected with HIV as a result of unprotected oral sex. However, these case reports and studies all involved MSM – men who were the receptive partners (the person doing the "sucking") during unprotected oral sex with another HIV-positive man. There haven't been any case reports or studies documenting HIV infection among female receptive partners during unprotected oral sex. Even more importantly, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked") during unprotected oral sex, either among MSM or heterosexuals.
Is insertive oral sex a possible route of HIV transmission? Yes. But is it a documented risk? Absolutely not.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-15 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
3、HIV的真相- Medhelp
The Great ORAL Debate.  This is probably our most common question.  Unprotected oral sex.  Is it a risk?  The short answer: NO.  The long answer....

There is often a difference in the answers given by the docs in the expert forum vs us.  People have to understand that medical professionals and the CDC have a responsibility to be ULTRA conservative when discussing risks.  Therefore, there is a MINUTE "theoretical" risk assigned to oral sex.  If oral sex was TRULY a "real" risk, there would be new cases all the time of HIV being transmitted in this manner.  There absolutely is NOT.  And a "theoretical" risk is VERY different from an actual risk.  The docs have BOTH said time and time again in the expert forum that neither of them, in their combined DECADES of being specialists dealing with HIV have EVER seen a case of HIV as a result of oral sex, nor have they READ any convincing cases.  There is a physiological reason for that.  First, the virus isn't present in the saliva, making infection impossible for the receptive partner (the person receiving oral sex).  Secondly, for the person GIVING oral sex, THEIR saliva contains enzymes that inhibit the virus, should they be exposed to infected genital secretions.  Secondly, again, the virus has been exposed to the air and elements, rendering it inactive in an oral situation.  This debate will continue, but again, for anyone worrying about an oral "exposure"...think of the facts.  If it was truly a risk, there would be newly reported cases ALL the time.

4、MEDHELP上一位医生Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Garcia对KJ的分析,大家上MEDHELP论坛HIV分坛首页就可以找到:
Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Garcia, MD, MRCGP, PhD
Can I get HIV through oral sex?
Jan 20, 2010 - 52 comments
Can I get HIV through oral sex? is probably one of the most frequent questions we get asked at Freedomhealth either in person or via our Sexual Health Forum. The answer is yes, possibly, but it is exceptionally unlikely.

There has been a great deal of interest and many research papers written about the HIV risks associated with oral sex and similarly many studies to try to determine why the risk of oral sex with an HIV positive person might be less than that associated with unprotected penetrative vaginal or anal sex.

Romero and others, in their article describing an excellent and diligent long term study failed to identify any risk at all in transfer of HIV from an HIV positive to an HIV negative partner through oral sex. In total 19000 episodes of oral sex were documented amongst 135 heterosexual couples over ten years and in 34% of these episodes the HIV positive male ejaculated into the HIV negative females' mouth. (Romero J et al. Evaluating the risk of HIV transmission through unprotected orogential sex. AIDS 16:9:1269-97, 2002.)

Baggaley and others, in their article Systematic review of orogenital HIV-1 transmission probabilities. International Journal of Epidemiology 37 : 1255-65, 2008 have reviewed the major articles to date and conclude that the risks of HIV transmission via oral sex are low.

To reach their conclusions they conducted a systematic review of the available literature. Ten studies from North America and Europe were identified as meeting the required criteria.

The authors noted some difficulties with the methodology of the studies. These were mainly the common ones of:-

- People rarely confining their sexual activity to oral sex alone
- where people have had other sorts of sex including unprotected anal or vaginal penetration it is assumed that the higher risk activity will have given them HIV

- exact details of the sexual activity have been missed out - ie whether or not ejaculation into the mouth etc

- Studies where one partner is known to be HIV positive and the other HIV negative are likely to be slightly skewed because the HIV positive person is likely to be on anti-retroviral medications and consequently probably less infectious anyway.

The overall conclusion was that:-

- Chances of acquiring HIV through oral sex with an HIV infected partner are very low. The majority of the studies reporting zero to miniscule risk.

- Very large, very expensive, well controlled studies would be needed to define the question exactly.

The results of a study due to appear shortly in AIDS seem to show that HIV negative gay males in sero-discordant ( a relationship where one of the partners is HIV positive and the other HIV negative) relationships have saliva which has an HIV neutralising capacity. Consequently one of the conclusions drawn is that repeated exposure to low levels of HIV may produce a level of resistance to HIV in this population.

Posted by Freedomhealth



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