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发表于 2012-5-20 22:51
本帖最后由 secretofheart 于 2012-5-20 23:11 编辑
donotworry 发表于 2012-5-20 22:32
Email 1
Hi, actually I monitor the Immunizations required for Registration. Please look at our web site and downloadthe Immunization Health History Form. For the tuberculosis screening I would recommend the IGRA lab testing.Please review the instructions that accompany the Form. Also, we encourage students to continue their education regardless of their health status or concerns. This is personal information and we strive to maintain the confidentiality of all of our XX students. I will be your contact person here to ensure a smooth process of the clearance for you in terms of Immunizations to register for classes. Please let me know if you have any questions.Meanwhile, all the best in your application to the University of XXXXX.Safe travels, XXXXX
Email 2
Hi, I think you should not find any problem with applying to study at XXXX. In terms of the F1 Visa, that is not my area of expertise. I will check with the International Office this morning and will let you know. Personally, my brother-in-law is also living with HIV. I give you much credit to pursue your Education, this is very important. If you already have health Insurance and there has been no lapse in coverage, then it should not be a problem to continue your coverage. I will write back to you when I hear from my contact at the International Office. Thanks, XXXXX
Email 3
You may contact XXXXXXX at XXXXXXX with any immunization questions. As far as admissions into XXX, your HIV status would not be a factor. Regards,
Email 4
In regards to insurance coverage it can cover such treatment but there are some conditions and early coverage limitations. I would highly suggest you contact our insurance advisor (information below) and get guidance from her. Again, we all keep this information confidential and the insurance advisor will be the best person to offer you guidance and suggestions. As far as the visa I am not aware of any limitations with this in acquiring your visa and you should be fine on that aspect. Take care and we look forward to having you at XXXXX
Email 5
Again, I don’t think you should have a problem to get your F1 visa and the US port of entry (customs) are not to deny entry based on an HIV status as that is not their area of concern, so I think you will be fine in that aspect. If you do come to XXX please be sure to come by the XXXXX and say hello to me when you arrive – wishing you ALL the best.
Email 6
Thank you for your email. In regards to your situation you are better off with United Healthcare International- International Plan. What health insurance policy currently do you have in your home country? Please contact XXXXX at XXXXXX or XXXXXXXXX .He can assistant you with enrolling into the policy and about excluding your six month waiting period for pre-existing. The one major thing about this policy is prescription is unlimited. Injury or sickness is covered also. You can also go to the XXXXXXX County Health Department and they offer assistance with individual who are HIV positive. They have a program called “AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ASAP)”. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Email 7
Thank you for your response. Please contact XXXXXXX so he can assist you with your enrollment and alert United Healthcare about waving your pre-existing waiting period of six months. Once you enroll in United Healthcare your HIV prescription are covered and office visit to see a doctor. You will just pay your co-pay which is for office visit in between $10-40 per visit and prescription are $10 for generic/$25 for brand names/$40 for non-preferred.
美国领事馆网站上要求F1签证的材料 http://guangzhou-ch.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_student_visa.html
美国领事局的HIV Final Rule条款 http://travel.state.gov/visa/laws/telegrams/telegrams_4631.html
答: HIV携带者仍可签发"国际旅行健康检查证明书".另据我们所知,美国不会阻止HIV携带者入境.但到美国留学,美国学校是否接受,我们目前还未掌握有关信息,请咨询留学中介公司.目前中国法规没有阻止HIV携带者入境或出境.
源地址为 http://www.gdciq.gov.cn/PAttend_Detail.aspx?id=6785
还有两个存档资料是美国海关和美国国家安全局的。美国海关网站上说美国海关严格遵守 HIV Final Rule 并且引用了美国领事局关于HIV Final Rule的法律条款,但是我现在不在学校,那个电脑里才有相关资料,到时候一起给你。至于美国国家安全局,我没有找到相关信息,但是,美国国家安全局在入境方面只属于辅助部门,主要查恐怖分子。一般来说都是安检查出有bomb才会被他们叫去的
如果您知道这方面的信息,非常感谢您的回答。如果您不知道,请回答不知道。如果有感染者想留学,刚刚好看到了您的信息,会误导别人的。我没有让别人相信我的邮件和资料,我想,想知道什么,自己去找,是最安心的。不过我的邮件和资料,除了隐去个人信息部分,都是真实的。 |