
楼主 |
发表于 2009-6-13 18:19
There is often a difference in the answers given by the docs in the expert forum vs us. People have to understand that medical professionals and the CDC have a responsibility to be ULTRA conservative when discussing risks. Therefore, there is a MINUTE "theoretical" risk assigned to oral sex. If oral sex was TRULY a "real" risk, there would be new cases all the time of HIV being transmitted in this manner. There absolutely is NOT. And a "theoretical" risk is VERY different from an actual risk. The docs have BOTH said time and time again in the expert forum that neither of them, in their combined DECADES of being specialists dealing with HIV have EVER seen a case of HIV as a result of oral sex, nor have they READ any convincing cases. There is a physiological reason for that. First, the virus isn't present in the saliva, making infection impossible for the receptive partner (the person receiving oral sex). Secondly, for the person GIVING oral sex, THEIR saliva contains enzymes that inhibit the virus, should they be exposed to infected genital secretions. Secondly, again, the virus has been exposed to the air and elements, rendering it inactive in an oral situation. This debate will continue, but again, for anyone worrying about an oral "exposure"...think of the facts. If it was truly a risk, there would be newly reported cases ALL the time.
HIV is classified as an STD, which means, basically, one has to have SEX to be at risk. This leads me to the primary REAL risks of becoming infected. They are UNPROTECTED VAGINAL OR ANAL SEX, sharing IV drug works, and from mother to infant. Sexually, there are certainly higher risks. Homosexual men having sex with other men still remains a higher risk, with a "bottom" anal sex partner having unprotected sex being about the highest risk factor. HOWEVER...despite this information....HIV is still on the rise among heterosexual partners. While it is less of a risk, it is still a risk! And, despite the "odds" out there, it IS possible to get HIV from only ONE episode of unprotected hetero sex. Who wants to take those kinds of chances? Therefore, remember to protect yourself at all costs. ONE moment of pleasure for a lifetime of dealing with a chronic illness? Seems like one heck of an exchange!
Protection. HIV is a 100% preventable disease. Condoms work. Therefore, condoms used consistently and correctly will almost guarantee a future free of HIV. Whether a person chooses to use condoms for oral sex is a personal decision. It certainly is adviseable to protect against other STD's, which are far more prevalent, and easier to transmit via oral sex. When engaging in a sexual relationship, follow a few rules. First, have open conversations with a prospective partner about their history, and flat out ask their history, whether they have been tested, etc. ANYone who is evasive about their answer, or refuses to answer....walk away. UNLESS you have been mutually tested with a monogamous partner...unprotected intercourse should NEVER be an option. Men, choose condoms that are the right fit, and use only ONE condom at a time. Some people think that 2 condoms at a time offers double protection. To the contrary, they increase the risk of condom failure. Use plenty of WATER based lubrication, like KY jelly, and if you question the quality of a condom, use another one. Make sure the condoms are not expired, as that also increases the risk of condom breakage. When condoms break, they do so CATASTROPHICALLY. There is no doubt. Therefore, if you use a condom, and it is WHOLE after the act, the condom worked. Always remember to hold onto the condom on withdrawl, this will prevent slippage, which overall isn't a risk for HIV, but may expose you to other STD's. The fact that HIV virus can penetrate an intact condom is also an urban myth. The ONLY exception to this is lambskin condoms...they are not efficient against HIV. Use latex or polyurethane condoms only to protect against HIV.
Medical Exposures. You cannot and will not EVER be infected by a medical procedure, like having your blood drawn, or an IV inserted. Medical professionals do NOT re-use needles, period. Mainly because if they did, they would be placing themselves at risk for all kinds of infections, and they simply wouldn't do that. Secondly, most of the needle products out there today allow for a ONE time use only, and have safeguards in place to prevent re-use. If you are worried about this...put it out of your mind, it is irrational. |