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发表于 2012-2-11 00:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear Doc,
I'm so worried, I think I'm starting tomake myself physically ill. Two days ago, I fooled around with a guy (my first)and I'm worried that I put myself at risk of contracting HIV, or any other STDfor that matter. Everything we did was safe: Kissing, mutual masturbation, andthen I decided that I wanted to try bottoming. He put on a condom, and ithonestly went in and out in a matter of 2 seconds, I couldn't take the pain.This doesn't sound bad but the thing I'm worried about it the transmission ofthe precum to the condom. When I was whacking him off, he had a considerableamount of precum but I also used lube with that. I can't really tell you howlong we did that for, maybe 10-15 minutes. That's when I decided to trybottoming. He put the condom on, and I rubbed lube on his penis (with condom)but I fear that precum was probably still present on my hand with the lube. So,I fear that precum was on the outside of the condom from my hand. Then, when Igot home, there was the slightest remnant of blood on my toliet paper. Youcould barely even see it, but it was there. I'm so worried. He didn't strike meas being infected, he had limited experience with guys and was way in thecloset. But that means nothing. I am going crazy, and I don't think I can survivethe 6 months it's going to take for anything to be 100% sure test wise. Whatare my chances of being infected? I don't know what to do.

You are overthinking the risks out ofanxiety.  Don't get hung up on minorthings like whether there might have been a little precum on the outside of acondom.  The fact is simply that condomswork virtually 100% of the time.  Ingeneral, it takes rather large amounts of virus exposure to catch HIV;"just one virus" doesn't do it. Look at it this way: if your partner had HIV, and if you were bottom,and there was no condom, and he ejaculated inside you, the average risk youcaught HIV was somewhere around 1 in 200. How high can it be with the minor potential exposure you are worriedabout?
A little bleeding after a person's firstepisode of receptive anal sex doesn't sound at all surprising.  The anus and rectum did not evolve as sexualorgans; over time, you will accommodate. In any case, the appearance of slight bleeding doesn't mean you were atheightened risk of catching HIV.
You don't really need HIV testing at allafter this event.  If having a negativetest will help calm your fears, feel free -- but you certainly don't need towait 6 months for reliable results.  Anegative test at 6-8 weeks will prove with virtual certainty you didn't catchHIV.
A final bit of advice, as you start on yoursexual career:  You are on the righttrack to safe sex by using condoms for anal sex.  But that's only part of the story.  You also need to get in the habit of "doask, do tell":  Never have sex withanother guy, even if safe sex is planned (condoms for anal sex, oral sex, handjobs, etc), without first asking about and sharing your own HIV status.  Then avoid getting involved, or at leastavoid anal sex, with men who are positive, don't know, or seem evasive aboutit.  Most people don't lie when askeddirectly.  In the long run, "do ask,do tell" probably is just as important as condoms for anal sex.  And just think how much less worried youwould be now if you had been reassured by your partner that he doesn't have it.
Bottom lines (no pun intended):  Please educate yourself about HIV risks andprevention.  Get tested at 6-8 weeks ifyou'll sleep better with a negative test reuslt.  In the meantime, kick back and relax; almostcertainly you weren't infected.
Best wishes.  Stay safe-- HHH, MD


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