原帖链接: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/HIV-Prevention/risk-of-receiving-oral-sex-with-wound/show/1403278 Q: Hello. I've been exteremely anxious aboutthis these days and i almost cannot fall asleep. 问:你好,我这些天来极度焦虑,几乎无法入睡。
On Novermber 6 i had an oral sex with aman. we had deep french kiss, and i gave him oral sex (i'm the receiver). hedid not ejaculate in my mouth. He ejaculated by his own masturbation. But,but... i know there should me some some wound in my mouth (inner side of mylips), because i always bite them on my own unconsciously. 11月6日(此问题是2010年11月28日提出的)我与一个男人口交。我们有法式深吻,并且给他口交(我是接受方),没有射在嘴里,他手淫射出。但……但我知道我嘴里有些伤口(嘴唇内侧)因为我经常无意识就会咬嘴唇。
On November 17 again i had a similarexperience. Again it's french kiss, licking and oral sex. Again he did notejaculate in my mouth, but he ejaculated on my hand. And what's more, i also have wounds on myfingers. Again this is a bad habit of mine: I bite my fingers unconsciouslyevery day. And i'm pretty sure that on that day of exposure there was a woundon my finger that touched his sperm. It was not bleeding, but certainly itstill hurt. When it touched the sperm i felt hurt more (just like the feelingwhen the wound touches other liquid such as water). 11月7日又是一次类似经历。还是法式深吻,舔以及口交。还是没有在嘴里射精,但射在我的手上,还有,手上也有伤口。这又是我的坏习惯:我每天无意识会咬手指。我非常确定那天我手指的伤口碰了精液。伤口不流血,但确实疼痛。碰到精液时,我觉得更疼。(感觉就像是平时伤口触碰比如水之类的液体一样)。 And, and, what makes me extereme anxious isthat i have some symptoms! On Novemober 10 I started to have a cold and sorethroat, then on Novermber 13 it's gone. And then from November 20 again I havesore throat and stuffy nose, until now it's still here! It has been more thanone week and I know from my experience that it's very rare that i have thesymtom of cold for such a long time! Andalso I feel tired these days, also sometimes with headache. It seems that thesesymptoms match well to the first symptoms of catching hiv. 让我最紧张的是我有了症状。11月10日,我感冒了而且喉咙疼痛,13日好了,20日喉咙又疼,还有鼻塞,到现在还没好!已经有一周多了。从我的经验来看,我有这么长时间的感冒症状实属罕见。同时,这几天我觉得累,有时还头疼。这些症状看上去都符合感染HIV的初期症状。 In the past, i didn't have any experiencethat could get hiv, so although i didn't do any test before, i'm pretty sure iwas negative before this month. Now this is my first high-risk experience, andi have some symtoms (symptoms) after that. What is the probability that I gethiv??? I'm exteremely scared. I checked on the internet and they say I have towait 3 months before I can do the test. But what should I do now? I just cannotfall asleep and am nervous all day long! 过去,我觉得不可能会感染HIV,所以之前从没检测过,但我肯定这个月之前我是阴性。这是我的第一次高危行为,此后就有了症状。我感染的可能性有多大?我真的很害怕。我上网查了说要等三个月才能检测。那我现在怎么办,我每天都很紧张到睡不着觉! A: Welcome to our Forum. You have put together two misunderstandingsabout HIV to cause yourself to worry. Ihope I can clarify things for you. Ifyou wish further information about these topics, you could then search thisForum for other similar discussions because both topics have been discussedhundreds of times on our site. 答:欢迎来到论坛。你如此紧张是因为你对HIV共有两大误解。我希望能为你澄清。如果你希望查阅更多关于此话题的信息,你应该在此论坛去寻找相似的讨论,因为这两个话题在我们的版块里讨论上百次了。
Even before we deal with yourmisunderstandings let me also remind you that you do not know your partners'HIV status and on a statistical basis it is likely that they do not have HIV. 在我澄清你的误解之前,我要提醒你你并不知道你的性伴侣是否感染HIV,从统计学角度来看,他们很可能没有感染。
First, there is no risk of getting HIV frommutual masturbation, kissing or oral sex. This fact is true even though it is typical to get partners' genitalsecretions on each other in the course of these activities. Even with cuts or sores on your fingers,there is no risk from contact with your partners' genital secretions. Similarly, regarding your oral exposures,kissing is no risk, even deep kissing and even with gum or dental disease. Thequoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner isless than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. Some expertsstate there is no risk at all from oral sex. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medicalliterature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex. This includes by all of the people who hadmouth sores, gum disease, etc. 首先,相互手淫,亲吻以及口交是没有感染HIV风险的。即使在这些行为中互相接触到了对方生殖器分泌物很典型,这个事实也是成立的。就算手指上有割伤或溃疡,接触到对方生殖器分泌物依然没风险。同理,考虑到口腔暴露,亲吻没风险,哪怕是深吻甚至是牙龈或牙齿疾病。这里引用一个HIV感染风险的数据:和感染者口交的风险低于1/10000,而就我估计,这个比例太高了。一些专家则声明口交完全没风险。这个网站的包括我在内的两位专家,都没有见过或读到过有令人信服的例子表明HIV通过口交感染的医学文献。 Second, symptoms are an unreliableindicator of infection. When peopleexperience "ARS symptoms" they are much more likely to have somethingelse, usually some other, more typical virus infection. When this has been studied in the US, lessthan 1% of persons seeking medical care for "ARS symptoms" are foundto have HIV, the remainder having symptoms due to other processes. In contrast,over a given year, there is almost no one who has not had a viral illness, sorethroats, night sweats or both (sometimes on multiple occasions). For a person to try to judge their HIV riskbased on "ARS symptoms" is a waste of time. Furthermore, in your own case, a sore throatis not sufficient to be called the ARS - you have a cold. 第二,靠症状判断是否感染是不可靠的。当人们有了“急性期症状”时,更加有可能的是得了其他的病,通常是其他更典型的病毒感染。在美国已经作了研究,因为“急性期症状”去医疗机构并确诊感染HIV的人数不到1%,剩下的全是因为其他病症而产生的症状。相反,在一年当中,几乎所有人都会得病毒性疾病,会喉咙疼痛,会盗汗,甚至同时出现这些症状。如果要根据“急性期症状”来判断是否感染就是在浪费时间。此外,以你的情况来看,喉咙疼不能成为是“急性期症状”:你得了感冒。
(此英文段因字数限制原因删除,仅保留中文。有兴趣可原贴查看。) 最后,再说第三个误区。如果你有风险(你没有风险),也不必等待三个月去检测。实际上,这两种不同时间范围的检测都有同等的效果且能够在暴露8周后为几乎每一个人提供准确检测信息。那些3个月甚至6个月的检测建议两点考虑:第一,早先的检测数据不再使用(真的不用担心检测用的是第几代方法,现如今几乎所有的检测方法都比2-3年前要灵敏很多,而3个月检测的建议是2-3年前制定的。)第二,一些机构,大部分是ZF机构必须提供一个适用于所有人的官方建议,而这些建议是不能被人们反复提出疑问的,就像你在医院反复询问医生或者像在一些比如我们这个论坛一样的个性化网站上反复提问一样。而如果颁布错误信息,ZF无法“承担”后果,于是制定出一些建议和指导方针,而这些建议方针让大部分人对于4-6周有了不必要的担心。6-8周时间足以使几乎所有人产生HIV抗体。
I hope these comments are helpful foryou. Your exposures did not put you atrisk for HIV and in my judgment, you do not have a reason to worry related tothem. If you choose to be tested, you do not need to wait 3 months fordefinitive results. Take care. EWH 我希望这些回答能够有所帮助。你的暴露没有感染HIV的风险,以我判断你没有理由担心。如果你要检测,没有必要为一个权威结果等上3个月。