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楼主: 艾生活


发表于 2012-1-16 21:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-1-16 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
我再简单的直译一下:综合上面提到的多种因素,尽管KJ并不是绝对意义上的无风险行为,但是KJ与其它的性行为相比而言,风险是相当低的。在2000年的反转录病毒和传染机会研究大会上,有报道在研究的102例的感染者群体中,有8例(7.8%)同性行为的男性血清转阳是通过KJ导致的(Dillon et al, 2000)。但是考虑到所有通过KJ感染的病例进行了很大数量的KJ行为,因此认为单次KJ行为的感染风险是很低的。在这感染的8例患者种,有3例患有口腔溃疡,7例用口腔接触了带有病毒的精液。这种通过口腔传染的可能性在此前CDC发布的病例中有过报道。即1997年CDC报道一例很可能是由于口腔黏膜沾染了携带者的血液而导致了HIV的传染。此外在其它的文献中也有相关口腔传染的病例。(Vidmar et al, 1996).
As mentioned above, oral sex has always been
considered less risky compared with other sexual
behaviours, although it does not appear to be definitely
risk free. It was reported at the Conference on Retrovirus
and Opportunistic Infections in 2000 that eight
(7.8%) of 102 recently seroconverted homosexual men
had probably become infected by unprotected oral sex
(Dillon et al, 2000). However, given the large number of
active oral sex acts that take place, this suggests that
each act carries a low risk. Of the eight individuals
infected by this route, three had oral ulcers and seven
had made oral contact with infected semen. This
possibility was already reported by the CDC in the
probable case of an HIV patient infecting an uninfected
sexual partner via oral mucosa contaminated with blood
of the seropositive patient (CDC, 1997). Cases of HIV
transmission via human bite have also been described
(Vidmar et al, 1996).
发表于 2012-1-16 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
We analysed a cohort of heterosexual HIV- serodiscordant couples with the aim of evaluating the risk of transmission ascribed to unprotected orogenital intercourse. A total of 135 seronegative individuals (110 women and 25 men), whose only risk exposure to HIV was unprotected orogenital sex with their infected partner, registered 210 person-years of follow-up. After an estimated total of over 19 000 unprotected orogenital exposures with the infected partner not a single HIV seroconversion occurred.
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