untitled123 发表于 2011-12-12 09:19
我是滿 4 個月的 ....
You are overreacting and have been overtested. First, although HIV is not rare in parts of China, it remains rare in most of the country, including in most sex workers. Second, a single episode of unprotected heterosexual sex is always unlikely to result in HIV transmission; on average, if a woman has HIV, the virus is transmitted only once for every 2,000 episodes of vaginal sex. But most important, your test results prove you did not catch HIV. All tests done later than 6 weeks after your exposure were superfluous and a waste of money.
我问的 http://www.medhelp.org/posts/HIV-Prevention/please-help-me-doctor/show/1593730?personal_page_id=2327731
你在脱不了 我也没办法 虽然我自己也没资格这么说 我自己都还在心理咨询。