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发表于 2009-2-27 14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How safe is oral sex? by Dr. Jeffrey Klausner I was wondering how safe oral sex is -- giving and receiving. Questions about oral sex are probably the most common ones I get. We recently completed a study of men in San Francisco who have only had oral sex and found zero new HIV infections. But other STDs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, are definitely transmitted through oral sex, and oral sex has likely contributed to our current syphilis outbreak. My lover had HIV and hepatitis C. We only had oral sex. How safe am I? Oral sex is considered a low-risk sexual activity. There have not been enough studies done that separate oral sex from other sexual activities, so it's not clear exactly how low the risk of HIV transmission is, although it is believed to be very low. (If you're in San Francisco and want to participate in the HOT [HIV Oral Transmission] study, call 1-877-ORAL-HIV.) The sexual transmission of hepatitis C is very rare as well. Hepatitis C is mostly transmitted through contaminated needles, blood transfusions and shared injection equipment. When researchers study hepatitis C in semen it is very difficult to find the virus, and when they do, the amount is very low. It's been said that if your gums are bleeding, you could possibly contract HIV via oral sex. Now I'm puzzled. You're right, that's what has been said. But there are no data that show that bleeding gums, sore throats, bad teeth or mouth sores actually increase the risk of transmission. For years, either we have not had data or had bad data. Now, reliable data shows the risk of HIV from oral sex is very, very low. As you know, many of these infections are easily diagnosed with simple tests and are readily treated. So my advice is: Enjoy oral sex and get regular check-ups. A good check-up includes throat testing for gonorrhea, rectal testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia, urine testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia and blood tests for herpes, syphilis and HIV. We call that the grand slam! I was recently with a man and he happened to start kissing my chest while I had a white T-shirt on. We noticed that where he was kissing, there was a stain, and there was apparently some blood in his saliva -- he bit his lip earlier presumably. He performed oral sex on me as well. I am very worried about hep B or C and/or HIV. Saliva has natural anti-HIV factors and there have been no recent reports of HIV from oral sex. Hep B can be transmitted via oral sex and kissing, but there are very good shots to prevent hep B. So if you are concerned, get the shots. Hep C has not been transmitted via kissing. I heard that there have been reports of HIV being spread through oral sex, and other sources have said there haven't been any reports of this. What is the truth? The truth from the University of California San Francisco and the San Francisco Department of Public Health is that the risk of transmission of HIV via oral sex is very, very, very, very, very low. Other sources of information in the U.K. and elsewhere are not based on sound epidemiological data. But remember, other STDs can be transmitted easily via oral sex. So regular check-ups are in order. In those check-ups, get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, get screened in your throat, ass and urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea and get blood tests for HIV, syphilis and herpes. DEMAND these tests from your doctor, clinic or health department. These tests are out there and essential to maintaining good sexual health. Be kind, be cool and be safe. What is the latest thinking about unprotected oral sex between men? A very recent study from Spain confirmed earlier studies that it is very, very uncommon for oral sex to transmit HIV. That said, oral sex can transmit gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and syphilis, so sexually active men and women who have oral sex should get regular STD check-ups at least every six months, if not more, depending on how many new partners folks have.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-27 14:10 | 显示全部楼层

我对口交的安全性感到困惑 -- 主动的和被动的

关于口交的问题或许是我收到的最多的问题。 我们最近刚在旧金山完成一项只有口交性行为的研究(关于HIV的新感染人群)我们发现的案例为0。 但是其他性病,比如梅毒,淋病,衣原体和疱疹, 被明确认为可以通过口交传播,并且口交可能导致了我们的现在梅毒的爆发。

我的爱人有HIV 和丙肝.我们只有口交。 我安全吗?

口交被认为是一项低危险的性活动。 我没有进行足够的研究把口交与其他性活动分开, 因此虽然它被相信非常低,但HIV 通过口交传播的危险多低,现在还不清楚。 (如果你在旧金山并且想要参加 [HIV 口交 ]调查,打电话给1-877口交HIV.)

丙型肝炎通过性传播也非常罕见。 丙型肝炎被主要通过污染的针头,输血和共用注射设备传播。 当研究人员研究在精液里的丙型肝炎病毒时,想找到病毒是非常困难的,并且当他们找到的,数量也非常低。

是不是说如果你的牙龈正在出血,无论如何你都能通过口头的性染上HIV。 现在我迷惑。

你说的对,的确是这样说的。不过没有数据显示牙龈出血,喉咙痛,严重牙齿或者溃疡增加输送的危险。 反之多年来,我们没有被感染数据或者没被感染的数据。 现在,可靠的数据显示口交感染HIV 的危险非常,非常低。

正如你所知,大多数常见传染病容易通过简单的试验被诊断出,并且容易治疗。 因此我的建议是: 喜爱口交的话要进行有规律的检查。 检查包括喉咙的淋病测试, 为淋病和衣原体测试淋病和衣原体,尿道和直肠的测试是疱疹,梅毒和HIV 验血。 我们叫那为大满贯!

最近有一个人,碰巧吻我的胸的时候,我发现在我白色的T恤留下血迹,在他的唾液里显然有一些血。之前他也在对我进行过口交。 我非常担心被感染乙肝和丙肝和HIV。

唾液有天然的抗HIV 的物质,从口交没有感染HIV 的新的报告。 乙肝可能被口交和吻感染, 但是如果你害怕,你可以通过注射抗体获得避免。 丙肝不会通过吻感染。

我听说有通过口交传播的HIV 的报告,而又有其他来源说没有这样的任何报告。 事实到底是什么?

来自旧金山加利福尼亚大学和旧金山公共卫生部门的证实,HIV 的传播的危险通过口交是非常, 非常, 非常, 非常, 非常低的。 在大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国和在别处都有不同的流行病学的数据。 但是记住,其他性病可能容易通过口交感染。 因此要有规律的检查。 在那些检查过程中, 要接种甲型肝炎和乙肝的疫苗, 记得检查你喉咙,大便和尿检测衣原体和淋病。验血检验HIV,梅毒和疱疹。 从你的医生,门诊部或者卫生部门那里要求做这些试验。 这些试验可以做到保持好的性健康。 放心,冷静就安全了。


来自西班牙的一项最新的研究表明,口交传染HIV 是非常,非常罕见的。 但口交能传染淋病,衣原体,疱疹和梅毒, 对口交的男和妇女应该至少每6 个月进行有规律的检查, 如果不进行检查,就取决于你是否很多新的高危对象。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-27 14:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-3-26 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
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