本帖最后由 l.w._007 于 2011-8-13 19:07 编辑
lichlich 发表于 2011-8-13 18:36 
人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV)是一种感染人类免疫系统细胞的慢病毒(Lentivirus) ...
关于艾滋所有的口交实验,不用群起而攻之。看得懂就看,看不懂就问。我不说我的观点,看了所有的实验之后,你来总结观点。http://www.aidsmap.com/en/Search ... SearchSubmit=Search。所有的结论都来自于实验,所以,我不懂,你是从哪里听来的乡间故事,所有的结论是建立在实验的基础上,而不是信口开河。BTW,美国CDC官网链接,请你找出那个乡间故事的出处http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.htm,没看到,希望是我忽略了。我倒是在CDC上找到和这个乡间故事违背的话,
No incident of food being contaminated with HIV-infected blood or semen has been reported to CDC. Furthermore, CDC has received no reports of HIV infection resulting from eating food, including condiments.
HIV does not live long outside the body. Even if small amounts of HIV-infected blood or semen was consumed, exposure to the air, heat from cooking, and stomach acid would destroy the virus. Therefore, there is no risk of contracting HIV from eating food.(没有通过吃食物里有HIV血液或者精液而感染,被报告到CDC的例子,暴露于空气中,加热,还有胃酸,都可以杀死病毒。因此,不可能通过吃东西得HIV。)