今天看了半天的帖子,最后在medhelp上看到 Edward W Hook, MD 答道 WTKJ感染性病的可能性 如下:
These were rather low risk exposures. In general, oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs. Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth, the chances of syphilis and herpes is likewise tiny (more about herpes below). If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you would have most likely developed symptoms of urethritis (penile infection) such as a penile discharge or burning on urination by now.
WTKJ很小的风险。 总的来说, WTKJ没有一种有效(或效率低)的方法传播性病。 只有细菌性的淋病和非淋(NGU)能通过KJ传播。衣原体如果没有明显疼痛 或者在对方的口里没有明显的伤口也是不会传播。 感染梅毒和疱疹的机会也是非常小的。
如果你感染了淋病和非淋, 有很有可能会有一些尿道炎症状,例如有东西从龟头排出(大家都知道的),或者尿时会痛。
然后看了一下QQ哥以前写的关于淋病的帖子,很详细, 大家有兴趣可以看看: