本帖最后由 在黑暗的日子中 于 2011-11-28 01:38 编辑
其实本人还在恐惧中,第一次DT找小姐后的心情可能都是这样。不过我用强大的英文武装自己。。。强烈要求个版版主向MEDHELP网站贴吧的吧主版主学习。下面转一段帖子,希望能给DTXJ的朋友一点宽慰,反正对我来说和检测过的效果差不多。不过再过2周我还是要去做个四周检测,中国人嘛都喜欢走过场~~~希望我是阴一定阴!!!! 各位老大置顶哦~
先上连接~~ http://www.medhelp.org/posts/HIV-Prevention/hiv-risk-and-worries/show/1629510
Dear all,
Here is my story
on 24th of September 2011 i was drunk and had protected sex with a sex worker. Although I tried to be very passionate with her neglecting the fact that she was a CSW.I might have had one min of protected vaginal intercourse , she also tried oral Sex upon me twice without protection
After the Incident I felt so guilty and scared. I got back to work but I was restless though all the time. I kept searching for all possible symptoms in the net. After a week examining i found that my chest was somewhat swollen
Swollen glands
(particularly in the axilla region) than normal and my right side of neck was also seemed swollen this may be due to my anxiety also. Then i started feeling my lymph nodes in the groin region the left side appear to be swollen
.After some days occasionally i started getting pain in my groin region, and seldom in my chest. Few days after I started feeling pain in my knee joint which is prevalent till date. The most important thing is I am having stomach upset and loose or broken stool for the last 1.5 months, on day I had watery stool which may be a symptom or a clear sign of indigestion or stomach upset, during the course of time one morning I found two bumps deep inside my tongue and few days after a minute slight portion of my tongue was cut or vanished though I don’t have a white coated tongue. When asked people they said it might have been due to stomach upset .i guess this is a big reason to worry .However m not getting fever or night sweats, in fact I never got fever more than 98.4F. But m certainly loses my appetite, i am eating just two times a day and i am not feeling the urge of eating. I think I don’t have a rash but there is something which I can relate to there are small raised bumps on my hand which appears usually, no clear indication of HIV Rash, however sometimes small portions of skin on my palm soles starts peeling off. .i am hell scared and restless. I tend to sleep around 5 am in the morning till 1:30 in the noon ,i have lunch then and go to work. i keep on asking everyone at work whether they find my neck swollen or not, i get mixed response mostly positive.
When I ask this to people they say it is normal, even one doctor and a astrologer said as per astro medical you are unlikely to get looking at u I know it does not make any sense …My major concern is about my stomach upset and unhealthy stool or diarrhea . I never complained of any disorders ever and always remained healthy throughout. (Hope I am still healthy),..Today is the 50th day and m still tensed and worried like hell..plzzz guide me through it ,,,,and give proper knowledge and information……Assuming that the CSW was positive am I likely to catch the virus?.. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
具体内容我就不详细解释了,反正就是说2011年9月24日这小子喝醉了酒(果然都是地球男人,找犯错误的借口都一样),然后和一个XJ 去OOXX了,DTXJ和WTKJ还KJ了两次。之后就有很多症状,好像我现在身上还有点。。。。
Nov 15, 2011
Protected sex, provided there is no condom failure, is safe sex. Whatever symptoms you are having are not as a result of HIV transmission. You do not have HIV on the basis of this exposure
Nov 15, 2011
To: interestedparty71
there was 30 seconds of vaginal protected exposure...i am worried about the oral sex part..help....
有30秒的有保护YD性行为 我担心KJ部分,求助。。。
Nov 15, 2011
Oral sex is not a risk of HIV transmission.
Nov 15, 2011
To: Teak
thanx a ton..but what bout d symptoms then.. diarrhea related..
Nov 15, 2011
You don't have an HIV concern, if you feel ill see your doctor.
20 hours
To: teak
m feeling a bit weak and has rashes too..i think i should check with the doctor,,,shall i test for hiv too
20 hours
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