本帖最后由 flyapple 于 2011-2-18 14:58 编辑大家好,本人恐艾很多年。
by hope242(三颗星)
“No, you did not get HIV from oral sex. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, but you can be sure you don't have HIV from that exposure.”
不,你不可能通过kj感染HIV. 对你的经历我表示很遗憾,但你必须明白在暴露情况下你是无法感染HIV的(我想kj算是将生殖器暴露在空气当中,所以没有感染可能,这是我单方面的理解)。
by NickOne7(五颗星)
1. Can I suffer HIV because of that abuse experience? NO
3. Need I go to have a test? NO
Medhelp的HIV Prevention Community的论坛中,今天碰巧有个医生发了个话题:《 Can I get HIV through oral sex》(通过kj我能否感染上HIV)
文章链接:http://www.medhelp.org/user_jour ... IV-through-oral-sex
Can I get HIV through oral sex? is probably one of the most frequent questions we get asked at Freedomhealth either in person or via our Sexual Health Forum. The answer is yes, possibly, but it is exceptionally unlikely.
能否通过kj感染HIV? 在Freedomhealth论坛一直是个热门话题。答案是“能。”但是,可能性异常的低。(请别害怕,继续看)
There has been a great deal of interest and many research papers written about the HIV risks associated with oral sex and similarly many studies to try to determine why the risk of oral sex with an HIV positive person might be less than that associated with unprotected penetrative vaginal or anal sex.
Romero and others, in their article describing an excellent and diligent long term study failed to identify any risk at all in transfer of HIV from an HIV positive to an HIV negative partner through oral sex. In total 19000 episodes of oral sex were documented amongst 135 heterosexual couples over ten years and in 34% of these episodes the HIV positive male ejaculated into the HIV negative females' mouth. (Romero J et al. Evaluating the risk of HIV transmission through unprotected orogential sex. AIDS 16:9:1269-97, 2002.)
Romero 等人有个长期的调查研究,最终的数据却无法证明阴性者和阳性者发生kj会带来风险。所调查的对象是135对儿十年以上的异性情侣总共发生过19000次kj,其中又有34%的情况是男性感染者将精液射在女性未感染者的口腔中。
Baggaley and others, in their article Systematic review of orogenital HIV-1 transmission probabilities. International Journal of Epidemiology 37 : 1255-65, 2008 have reviewed the major articles to date and conclude that the risks of HIV transmission via oral sex are low.
To reach their conclusions they conducted a systematic review of the available literature. Ten studies from North America and Europe were identified as meeting the required criteria.
Baggaley等人则针对有生殖综合症的HIV-1传染可能性进行调查后发现,通过kj感染的概率很低。 这个结论是回顾现有文献得出的,文献来自北美及欧洲的10个研究。
The authors noted some difficulties with the methodology of the studies. These were mainly the common ones of:-
- People rarely confining their sexual activity to oral sex alone
- where people have had other sorts of sex including unprotected anal or vaginal penetration it is assumed that the higher risk activity will have given them HIV
- exact details of the sexual activity have been missed out - ie whether or not ejaculation into the mouth etc
- Studies where one partner is known to be HIV positive and the other HIV negative are likely to be slightly skewed because the HIV positive person is likely to be on anti-retroviral medications and consequently probably less infectious anyway.
The overall conclusion was that:-
- Chances of acquiring HIV through oral sex with an HIV infected partner are very low. The majority of the studies reporting zero to miniscule risk.
- Very large, very expensive, well controlled studies would be needed to define the question exactly.
The results of a study due to appear shortly in AIDS seem to show that HIV negative gay males in sero-discordant ( a relationship where one of the partners is HIV positive and the other HIV negative) relationships have saliva which has an HIV neutralising capacity. Consequently one of the conclusions drawn is that repeated exposure to low levels of HIV may produce a level of resistance to HIV in this population.
同性恋情况: 男同性恋中一方阳性,一方阴性的情况,由于唾液具有使得HIV脱酸的能力(就是破坏其结构吧,我的理解)。最终一个结论就是这种低风险的方式能够防止HIV在这些人群中蔓延。
Posted by Freedomhealth
我还浏览了其他帖子,基本上回答者都是一句话:Cannot get infected just through oral sex (仅仅通过kj无法感染)
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楼主 那舔阴的情况怎么没有说到呢