美国性病权威 Dr. HHH 的解释:口交是比较安全的 ,很难传播尖锐湿疣
本帖最后由 happy2019 于 2010-7-29 07:51 编辑by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Jun 20, 2006 12:00AM
Oral sex is very safe; the chance of any STD transmission is low.The highest risk is for oral herpes being transferred to the genitals of the partner receiving oral sex.HPV is not normally transmitted by oral sex, in either direction.No STD, including HPV, is transmitted by hand-to-genital contact or vice versa.(Some people claim there are exceptions, and they may be right--but if so, it is rare.)
You absolutely have no obligation to inform your partner or anyone else of your past genital warts.That infection probably is now gone; but even if not, you could not have transmitted it to his hands.And there is no reason to suspect that your HPV infection also involved your mouth, so performing oral sex on your partner didn't risk HPV transmission.
Nobody knows how long HPV can be transmitted after warts clear up, so there is no hard and fast rule about informing future partners.But since you had recurrent warts (although no way to know whether they really were recurrent, or a new infection), perhaps you have greater risk than other persons to have persistent infection.The conservative (and polite) approach would be to inform future partners of your recent infection.But if you go a full year without reappearance of warts, in my opinion you would not need to inform partners after that.
I hope this helps.Good luck-- HHH, MD 回复 1# happy2019
口交是很安全的;任何性病传播的机会是低的。最高风险被转移到接受口交伴侣的生殖器疱疹的口服。 HPV是通常不会传染口交,在任何一个方向。没有性病,包括人乳头状瘤病毒,是经由用手触摸生殖器接触,反之亦然。 (有些人声称有例外,他们可能是正确的 - 但是,如果是这样,这是罕见的。)
多久没人知道人乳头状瘤病毒可传染后疣清理,所以没有对未来的合作伙伴通知硬性规定。但因为你(经常性疣虽然不知道他们是否真的是经常性的,或一个新的感染),也许你有更大的风险比其他人有持续感染。保守(礼貌)的做法是告知你近期感染未来的伙伴。但是如果你去全年无疣再现,我认为,你就不需要通知之后的合作伙伴。 用什么翻译软件啊 ····这么晦涩