大白痴 发表于 2010-6-15 17:38

回复 36# haohouhui12


大白痴 发表于 2010-6-15 18:00

HIV through fingering a Vagina
Jan 20, 2010 01:53PM - 2 comments
Tags: HIV, Vagina, fingering, test

HIV transmission through fingering - inserting a finger into a vagina seems to cause a lot of anxiety worldwide.

Fingering is a zero risk activity as far as we are aware. There are no reported cases worldwide of people becoming HIV positive after fingering a woman with HIV.

People are generally very concerrned about the presence of tiny cuts on their fingers or around their finger-nails which they fear may pose an extra risk by being so called open wounds. An open wound is a cut which is freshly made and freshly actively bleeding. This does not mean an old healed paper cut for example. It does have to be 1) fresh and 2) open and bleeding. Even in this scenario, there is no evidence that it poses a risk with no reported cases worldwide.

The vastly most common routes for transfer of HIV are by unprotected vaginal or anal sex and then by sharing needles for injecting drugs and mother to child transmission during birth or breast feeding.

HIV transmission by fingering is not a risk.

However, it would be polite and very much more comfortable for the person to be fingered (the "fingeree") if the fingerer cut his or her nails and also used some lubricating fluid to make the entire excericse enjoyable for all concerned and less likely to injure the fingeree.

Remember that if you think you might have exposed yourself to HIV then the best approach is to test as soon as you are able. We know that testing and identifying new HIV positive people is very important in terms of their own health but also in reducing the chances of HIV spread to others. The biggest risk of HIV infection is through having unprotected sex with someone who has just become HIV positive.

If you do think you have been exposed then you should obtain medical advice regarding the use of Post Exposure Prophylaxis to reduce your chances of acquiring the infection. The earlier you do this the better.

注意他说指交has no risk

haohouhui12 发表于 2010-6-15 20:25


    真皮层就是表皮层下面的、、、一般小伤只会表皮流血。。你用水果刀割或者车祸 ...
大白痴 发表于 2010-6-15 17:38 http://www.120x.net/images/common/back.gif

    大白兄弟 你怎么老觉的我流血啊 我那个倒刺一直到我后来拔掉都没流过血的 你看指交的很多 指点一下兄弟 有没看过给我情况特别相似的提问 谢谢了兄弟


可我这个倒刺很特别,一点都不干燥(应该是新的倒刺,不过应该存在有几天了),倒刺紧贴着皮肤 后来我掀开倒刺的时候还费了点工夫,那个倒刺按上去没什么感觉 不过掀开的时候有点疼,在高危前我从没掀开过,一直紧贴皮肤,倒刺也没流血 但倒刺根部红色的 我觉的有点象新鲜伤口 不过肯定没血。
还有一点就是 手指在进入女性身体前我从没撕开和掀开过倒刺,倒刺一直是紧帖在手指上的 后来我去洗手了(离进入小姐身体也快10分钟了),洗手后我也没敢撕开 因为怕有病毒残留(撕开万一出血就麻烦了),洗了好几遍手大约两个小时后才敢掀开(注意也没敢撕开),也就是这时候才看到倒刺根部发红,倒刺至始至终都没流过血。

我甚至既希望于那个倒刺能够阻止分泌物接触到倒刺根部的红色区域 因为我掀开的时候确实跟皮肤帖的满紧 我行为也不算激烈 大约两分钟,不过接触到不少分泌物

haohouhui12 发表于 2010-6-15 21:03

我翻一下 看理解对不对?兄弟指教
人们通常非常关心手指或指甲周围的小伤口的存在,人们担心会通过开放式伤口造成特别的风险。一个开放式的伤口是刚刚产生并且正在流血的伤口,这跟一个老的已愈合的 paper cut 不是一个意思,它做不到1)新鲜2)开放并且正在流血。即使在这种情况下,在全世界范围内也没有证据证明能够造成感染
However, it would be polite and very much more comfortable for the person to be fingered (the "fingeree") if the fingerer cut his or her nails and also used some lubricating fluid to make the entire excericse enjoyable for all concerned and less likely to injure the fingeree.
(啥意思 英文实在烂)
下面的与指交关系不大 就不翻译了
2、paper cut是什么意思 难道是纸划的伤口?
3、哎 郁闷的是我那个倒刺可能是新鲜的只不过没在流血而已

兄弟有没看到跟我描述的很相似的咨询??如果有的话请发给我看看 谢谢了
其实也就是倒刺可能是新的 不干燥,紧贴皮肤,从未掀开过,,,,

大白痴 发表于 2010-6-15 21:23

回复 44# haohouhui12


haohouhui12 发表于 2010-6-15 21:33

本帖最后由 haohouhui12 于 2010-6-15 21:37 编辑

大白兄弟 那边的竹林仙*说有风险 需要6周检测 所以还是很紧张

这个帖子好象只有咱们恐友来回说 也没怎么见版主来帮帮 哎

大白痴 发表于 2010-6-15 21:38

回复 46# haohouhui12


haohouhui12 发表于 2010-6-16 09:55

大白兄弟 你是什么行为 跟我一样吗 几周了?我才5天 早着呢,真难熬

大白痴 发表于 2010-6-16 11:46

回复 48# haohouhui12


haohouhui12 发表于 2010-6-16 12:38

羡慕你啊 我估计你的倒刺可能是那种老旧倒刺 不像我的 比较新鲜 甚至还没脱离皮肤

你那种倒刺没事的,我,,,, 哎 我今天右胳膊的小臂有点肿 不知道是不是淋巴肿大 哎 真恐
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查看完整版本: 在medhelp上找到的手指插入感染艾滋病风险的问题。。
