本帖最后由 健康QQ 于 2010-4-22 18:54 编辑还在等四周,闲的无聊,在网上看到的,不知道可信度高不高。
HIV Duo Test or HIV 28 Day Test - includes HIV p24 antigen.
The HIV antibody/p24 antigen Duo Test is an excellent, accurate and inexpensive HIV test that reliably detects HIV infection that occurred just 28 days prior to the test. This HIV test is known as the 'Duo' because it tests for both HIV antibodies as well as the 'HIV P24 antigen'. The HIV p24 antigen is a core HIV viral protein which becomes detectable at approximately 10 days post exposure, peaks at 16 days or so and then remains at high level for 8 to 10 weeks post exposure. It will then fluctuate over the rest of the course of the illness. HIV p24 antigen is extremely useful in combination with an HIV antibody test in determining early on whether an individiual has been infected with HIV. The HIV DUO test is extremely accurate at 28 days and is now the test recommended by the new UK Guidelines on HIV testing 2008.
We send a small blood sample to our laboratory and the results are usually available in a few hours. The cost of this HIV test is £125 (all inclusive ). The HIV DUO test including p24 antigen is rated as 99.8% accurate.
2、rated as 99.8% accurate,是否指第28天检测的准确度?
3、在国内专业文献文摘上看到的,p24抗原出现后很快会出现抗体,形成抗原-抗体复合物,影响抗原检测。请问目前国内用4代试剂检测平、24抗原的时候是否做了抗原-抗体复合物的分离? 四代试剂是缩短了窗口期,6周后检测的话,四代和三代试剂是无差别的,所以早期应用四代才有意义,至于形成抗原-抗体复合物这个阶段,通常是抗体的量会大些,因为四代试剂也检测抗体,三代试剂也是检测抗体,所以我认为对检测不会产生什么实质的影响,不必过多考虑细节问题,你知道检测结果就可以了。 好东西!!!!!!!!!!!