moveon 发表于 2010-1-23 22:17


Oral Sex/Broken Condomby Concernednyc11 , Jan 01, 2010 10:40PM
As a healthy adult heterosexual male I am concerned over two separate sexual encounters occurring within the last 6-8 months with two different women of uncertain HIV status, uncertain in that when questioned each indicated that they had been "recently" tested and were both "clean",I live in nyc and both are women of color , so I am in an urban environment where presumably my potential exposure is increased ? is this accurate,my last test was maybe 24months ago I was in a long term relationship prior to that, the first concern involves a condom breaking during intercourse the second surrounds unprotected oral sex both fellatio and cunnilingus , I know oral sex often area of inquiry here, my "internet" search for whatever that is worth revealed more concern over HIV exposure with unprotected oral sex than I expected, I was under belief , maybe incorrectly , that no real risk for recipient and very low risk for the active participant , query am I at risk, in reality is anyone really using dental dams when performing cunnilingus is it risky behavior not to use, scheduling an updated HIV test is this appropriate or am I a hypochondriac , as you knowthe minute you start to question your behavior every "symptom" starts to coincidentally appear, signed very concerned in nyc


by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. , Jan 01, 2010 11:32PM
Welcome to the HIV forum.

Questions about about oral sex an HIV risk are among the most common questions here.Responding first to the title you chose for your question -- "Oral sex/broken condom" -- my response is that for fellatio, the risk for the oral partner is very low and that for the penile partner is so low that there are no clearly documented cases of known transmission.That's without a condom.So unless there is surprising in formation in the question itself, most likely there is no HIV risk here.

Now I have read beyond the title. Guess what?In addition to the low risk for fellatio, there has never been even a suspected case of transmission by cunnilingus, in either direction.The main problem, it seems to me, is that you have not paid much attention to the professional credentials of the websites you have searched.You wrote "I was under belief, maybe incorrectly, that no real risk for recipient and very low risk for the active participant."In fact, your original belif was exactly correct.If you were to prove to have caught HIV from these events, you would be the very first case in the world!

Since you are concerned, I agree you should have an HIV test.Not because I believe there really was some risk, but because if you are typical for persons who ask questions here, my reassurance won't entirely settle your fears -- i.e., you'll probably be further reassured by a negative test result.Assuming there are no other risks you don't mention, you can expect the test to be negative.

口J的问题一直是这个论坛最常见的问题。根据你的标题我第一个想到的回答就是对于 口对阴Jing的行为,男方被感染的几率是非常非常低的,没有已知的被确认后记载的案例!

现在我读了标题以下的内容。猜猜看我的回答是什么?(医生真搞笑) 相对于本身就很低很低的无套 口对阴JING的行为来说,口对阴DAO这种行为无论是接受方还是给予方都没有被记载的案例!


asdf616 发表于 2010-1-23 23:28


moveon 发表于 2010-1-23 23:46

回复 2# asdf616

    被动口J 和 舔阴 无 被 查清确认证实 的 案例


综合来说,口J无 完全确认的 案例!

但是在上个世纪到2002年,西班牙与美国几大 医疗和政府机构 的长达10年的研究结果是:
几百对 健康和被感染者 被要求只经行带套性J和无套口J(包括吹和舔),在经历长期的多达19000次以上的无保护口J后,无一健康人被感染。

所以,在HIV被发现的20多年内,对于个别有争议的口J传染案例,和 长达10年多达上万次的无保护口J测试无人感染 这个实实在在的学术结果进行比较

asdf616 发表于 2010-1-23 23:49


万一 发表于 2010-1-24 00:08

我很杯具 昨晚去了大型洗域中心 没办法 小姐身材太辣了 胸部很大 做了个推油 被小姐WTKJ了 事后发现尿道口破皮了 很痛 哎。。这次死定了就~

QU7362397 发表于 2010-3-13 00:07


Ilovelife 发表于 2010-6-23 20:15


superwwx 发表于 2010-7-14 15:01


神经刀 发表于 2010-7-16 19:45

回复 7# Ilovelife


Ilovelife 发表于 2010-7-16 19:49

回复 9# 神经刀
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查看完整版本: 无套口J/套子也破了!(美国medhelp上的问题翻译)
