请问8周阴有意思么?酶联!请专家回复! 专家会用基本,志愿者会说有意义,一切都晚了会告诉你远远不够,世上根本就没有窗口期还会教育你相信他,他什么时候还拿过物理竞赛的奖,你不信他不行,这问题自己问问自己你需要多久 WH0 艾滋的培训资料,自己翻译• Possible need for re-testing.
Ask participants why re-testing is necessary.Listen and confirm responses.
Reveal slide 12, and remind participants of the previous section in this module with its
emphasis on antibody development. Make the connection between antibody
development and the length of time it will take to get an accurate HIV test result.
Suggest that this time gap is often referred to as the window period after infection.
State that – at a minimum – providers should briefly explain that the accuracy of the
current test will depend on avoiding recent risk behaviour.The most succinct way to
teach about this is to emphasize the need for six weeks without possible exposure to be
certain of the test results.Note thatabout 90% of patients would be expected to
develop antibodies within the first six weeks after exposure, and
RE: 求助!关于检测时间的问题!
JOSH 发表于 2012-4-17 14:47 static/image/common/back.gif专家会用基本,志愿者会说有意义,一切都晚了会告诉你远远不够,世上根本就没有窗口期还会教育你相信他,他 ...
是啊,这里所有的人都快疯了! 所有人都会疯的。好多人来了没有12周都走不掉。 有了十二周也不一定走的掉! 淡淡人生 发表于 2012-4-17 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif
您是对论坛有感情了… 是啊,有了感情了,哪能说放手酒放手吧!是吧! 我觉得现在这个论坛不把这些有症状的恐友搞到6个月不会罢休的 JOSH 发表于 2012-4-17 14:47 static/image/common/back.gif
专家会用基本,志愿者会说有意义,一切都晚了会告诉你远远不够,世上根本就没有窗口期还会教育你相信他,他 ...