悟爱青春 发表于 2012-2-14 01:40

看看 外国的专家都这么说 我们的呢 无奈啊

以下回答是由医生是美国最高研究组组长并担任华盛顿大学教授。毕业于美国哥伦比亚医科大学(美国知名大学之一)H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. 对咨询做出的回答

I am a 20 year old white male college student. It has now been about
ten weeks since I had a little too much to drink one night and had
unprotected sex with a 19 year old white girl that I didn't know. She
was a year younger than I am and I'm not sure of her past history as
far as sex goes. I am pretty sure that she is not a drug user however.
At six weeks after possible exposure I tested negative for HIV at our
university health clinic. I got in contact with a doctor in the men's
clinic there and he said that he believes that I should be confident
that I am in fact HIV negative. Should I take this negative result as a
fact that I am HIV negative? Is it necessary to get tested further? I
would really like this all to be over because it has been ruined my
life for the past 10 weeks.

我是一个20岁的小伙子.现在已经10个礼拜,自从那夜我饮酒过多后与一位我不认识的;19岁的女孩子发生了无保护XJ.她比我小一岁,而且我并不知道她的XJ历史. 但我确定她不吸毒.我6周时去做了检验,为阴. 我与医生谈话时,他非常信任我可以被确诊为没有hiv病毒.我应该这么去想吗?我还需要测验吗?我真的希望这一切都可以结束因为它毁坏了我过去的10个礼拜.


In newly
infected persons, modern HIV tests almost always are positive within 6
weeks. Therefore, I agree with your student health clinic doctor.


1。5 关于快速法与6周论


A negative OraQuick test at 29 days is virtually 100% proof you weren't infected. Yes, you can move on if you have a negative HIV test at 6 weeks.



opuuws 发表于 2012-2-14 11:23


我是罪人007 发表于 2012-2-14 18:26

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