暗无天日 发表于 2012-2-7 11:16



paranoia 发表于 2012-2-7 11:33

本帖最后由 paranoia 于 2012-2-7 11:34 编辑

暗无天日 发表于 2012-2-7 11:16 static/image/common/back.gif

正常情况下,进入人体胃部的不会造成感染,因为A病毒无法在胃酸里存 ...
谢谢 不过您说的“一段时间”大概是多长时间呢? 有没有一个大概的值? 在1:40的情况下


暗无天日 发表于 2012-2-7 15:32

paranoia 发表于 2012-2-7 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢 不过您说的“一段时间”大概是多长时间呢? 有没有一个大概的值? 在1:40的情况下

还有medhelp里 ...

teak 说 病毒离体后存活的时间 是 few seconds,所以不用太过纠结。另外,请相信他们的观点

paranoia 发表于 2012-2-7 17:21

暗无天日 发表于 2012-2-7 15:32 static/image/common/back.gif
teak 说 病毒离体后存活的时间 是 few seconds,所以不用太过纠结。另外,请相信他们的观点

看来对于hiv outside body的存活时间还是有很大分歧的。。。

Q:Survival of HIV outside body?
Hi Rick I recently read an article by the CDC that HIV only survives outside the body for a second or two. Yet in your answers you often say that HIV survives for a few minutes. So who is correct or does it depend on the quantity? Say if there was just minimal amount of vaginal fluids on my hands after I touched a woman's vagina, does that mean that the vius on my hands will die sooner than a few minutes? Keep up the great work. I find your information invaluable.
A:Response from Mr. Sowadsky
In my regular dealings with CDC, I have not found any information stating that HIV will only survive outside the body or one or 2 seconds. Because HIV's survival outside the body depends on multiple environmental conditions, there is no one specific amount of time that HIV will live outside the body. The longer that HIV is outside the body, the weaker it gets, and the less the chance of transmission. And the more body fluid that is outside the body, the longer it will take to dry, and the longer the virus will live outside the body. But generally speaking, the virus will only survive outside the body for several minutes. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call the Centers for Disease Control at 1.800.232.4636 (Nationwide). Rick Sowadsky MSPH CDS
就是说这个Mr. Sowadsky好像并不承认a few seconds的说法。。。

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查看完整版本: 一个理想的情况(几乎可以看成一个模型),跪求感染风险。。。
