小姐先用润滑剂弄进她阴道再用她那沾上阴道分泌物的手帮我无套手淫(即阴道分泌物接触到我的阴茎),令我勃起后,帮我戴上套子,然后有套性jiao(因为阴道分泌物已接触到阴茎,这等同wtxj吗?),虽然事后套子没破没滑落,但最后小姐用卷纸擦下体,擦完后递卷纸给我擦下体。戴套性jiao时如果行为猛烈造成阴茎上出现小伤痕,那么感染hiv的几率大吗? 就是担心手淫时沾上分泌物和卷纸沾上分泌物。只可以说当时我的阴茎无肉眼可见得伤痕和无感觉到灼痛,还有的是包皮过长危险性会增加吗 ,会因为手淫时病毒躲在包皮里吗?希望有志愿者和各大版主来指导 希望有志愿者和各大版主来指导 希望有志愿者和各大版主来指导
When I took down the condom,the viginal fluid of the sex worker touched the tip of my penis.Did it mean I was exposured to the HIV if she was a HIV contractor?Should I take a test ?Thanks.
No you didn't have a risk and no you do not need to test.
Thanks indeed,Teak! Is it because the virus lose its infectivity in a few seconds once it was exposed into the air ?
YES http://www.medhelp.org/posts/HIV-Prevention/Odd-question-from-my-net-friend/show/1593203?personal_page_id=2312416#post_7238365
Xp609pX 发表于 2011-10-9 16:04 static/image/common/back.gif
When I took down the condom,the viginal fluid of the sex worker touched the tip of my penis.Did it m ...
感谢,有没有沾上分泌物再dtxj的?我怕即使sy时没伤口,进入不了体内,但dtxj时出现了伤口,让病毒有机可乘 Hi there,
I have a quesion from a guy of my local city's HIV Prevention Forum.
Once he had a protected sex with a prostitute, but the condom he used is from that girl. Before the intercourse, the girl went to the washroom for about 10 minutes, after came out she gave my guy that condom. And my friend found that the condom was somehow a little wet, but he was totally drunk that time and didn't care anything about it, just put the condom on his penis and went on.
Now he's afraid that the girl would backstab him on purpose. She might finger herself to orgasm and then put her own vinigal fluid on the condom.
My friend is worried because he put on the condom very soon after she came out the washroom.
So, can this happen? A hiv positive woman finger herself to orgasm, put the cervix uterus secretion(CAN SHE? We really don't know about it. He hasn't finger a woman yet, and I am still a virgin........) on the condom, and immediately make a man use it, thus infect the man.
Could you plz give us a hand? I know hiv cannot infect someone outside its living host, in the air, but I'm not sure about this senario. And now my friend is unable to make himself escape from the fear. Sorry for us young men's