例如,有的患者问,都说存在阴性感染者,那么我们会不会也存在这种情况呢?首先,阴性感染者,是确实存在的,国内著名权威专家曹韵贞教授说过,在全世界5300万感染者中,只有7个阴性感染者存在。既然世界范围,5300多万人,只存在7个,说明这是极其特例的。根据概率来算是大海捞针。而且,这7个人,只是通过血液检测不出来,尿液检测,是可以检测出来的。看了这我很恐惧,恐慌,有知道的能解释下吗 这7个人后来在血检中查出来了吗? 死钻牛角尖你觉得有意思吗?那世界上还有HIV被治好了呢,你怎么不想想好的。死钻牛角尖。世界上很多种罕见的疾病啊,比HIV恐怖很多呢,你怎么不担心的? 楼主你这是轻微的强迫症的表现。世界之大无奇不有。
但是真正死过几次了? 我也想知道答案啊 楼主,你觉得某天飞机失事,会正好砸在你头吗? 某天火车出轨,会正好飞你脸上吗? 这种低概率的事根本没有讨论的价值,就像你认为母猪会爬树一样,根本不可能会发生在你身上。 这个谈话时间较早,当时使用的仍然是酶联二代试剂。
最后,人体不是机器,以60亿的样本来说,出现几个变异是很正常的事情。你不能以感染者人数作为分母来看待这种变异,而是要以整个人类作为分母来看待问题。所以,你所担心的事情是60亿分之7,这种概率你有担心的必要?? 这种几率比买中**的几率还要低呢。。 没有意义,都什么时候的事了,还拿出来讨论!! To compare the Western Blot (WB) patterns of paired urine and serum samples from subjects who tested repeatedly reactive in an investigational urine HIV-1 antibody EIA test and negative on a licensed serum HIV-1 antibody EIA test. METHODS: 7,607 paired urine and serum specimens were obtained from subjects at low and high risk for infection with HIV-1 from the U.S. and Haiti and tested by multiple centers. A portion of these specimens were linked as to donor identity. Neat urine specimens were tested in an investigational EIA employing an HIV-1 recombinant envelope protein, with confirmation of repeatedly reactive specimens using a modification of a licensed WB procedure. Serum specimens were tested by licensed EIA, with confirmation of repeatedly reactive specimens using a licensed WB procedure. RESULTS: Of 1,804 subjects participating in the linked study, 7 were urine EIA repeatedly reactive, urine WB confirmed positive and were serum EIA negative. On WB, 3 ofthe 7 serum samples demonstrated a positive p24 band. One of these 3 samples came from a 41 yr old female atrisk for HIV infection, one from a35 year old female with SLE andone from one a 16 yr old male with acute glomerular nephritis. Of the remaining 4 samples, two were from female sexual partners of HIV-1 positive persons, one from a male with non-gonococcal urethritis and one from a female with Hodgkin's Disease. Of the 5,803 unlinked subjects, two samples were found to be urine EIA and WB positive and serum EIA and WB negative. CONCLUSION: The WB confirmed presence of urine HIV-1 envelope antibody is highly suggestive of an HIV-1 infection. Four out of seven WB reactive urine samples were from EIA seronegative subjects at high risk for HIV-1 infection. The presence of HIV-1 envelopeantibody in urine but not in blood suggests that, in some subjects, the immune response to HIV-1 may be compartmentalized, as in this example, to the urogenital tract.