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请版主和志愿者浏览下这艾滋资料然后说下有没道理 谢谢

发表于 2010-1-24 19:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Q: Hello Dr. EWH / HHH,

I posted questions on this board last summer when I was all stressed out about the encounter that I had. Testing cleared things out and after that I haven't had sexwith anyone until now being affraid to go through a similar experience that I did last summer.

Now I met someone and we went out on few dates and yesterday we deep-kissed for about 30 seconds to a minute but about 20 minutes before that I accidently bit my lower lip while chewing something. I came home and checked the bite - it was small but indeed the skin was broken and the area was red. It wasn't bleeding when I checked it (about 30-40 minutes after we kissed) but I'm affraid when we kissed it might have been. What if she is hiv positive - would that incident put me at risk? I started worrying about it. Do I have anything to worry about? She works in an industry with a lot of gay people and she mentioned to me that she knows a couple people at work who are hiv positive. That raised a flag for me and I'm worried about this incident now. What if she had a little cut that was bleeding in her mouth??? Theoretically I understand if her blood would get into my open sore that would put me at risk but practically is it possible to get it though kissing?

Thank you very much



现在我认识了一位女孩,刚谈没多久,昨天我们深吻大概半分钟到一分钟,但是大概在20分钟之前我在吃东西的时候把下嘴唇咬了。我回家之后马上检查嘴唇 – 有一个很小的红色的伤口。 我检查的时候没有在流血(大概在我们接吻30-40分钟之后),但是我担心在我们接吻的时候在流血。如果她是感染者我有危险吗?我开始担心了。我有什么值得担心的吗?她所从事的行业里面有很多男同性恋,而且她告诉我她认识一些感染者。这把我吓一跳,我非常担心这次行为。要是她嘴里也有一个正在流血的创口又怎么样呢???(译注:美国的恐友和中国的恐友想象力是一样的丰富啊!)理论上来说,我能理解如果她的血液进入我开放的伤口我是有危险的,而实际上有没有可能通过接吻传播呢?



A: I'll first answer your question and then have a comment.  The answer is very easy.  HIV is not transmitted by kissing, deep or otherwise and the presence of mouth sores, bleeding lips, gum disease , etc do not change this.  No one has ever gotten HIV by kissing of any sort.  You do not need to worry about this and certainly do not need testing.

My comment however is to suggest that you take time to reflect on whether your fear of HIV is rationale and consider how it might impact your life.  Please remember, HIV is a very rare infection, infecting less than 1 in a thousand Americans and only a minority of persons who have characteristics which place them among higher risk groups, i.e.  men who have sex with other men, drug users, etc.  Knowing someone who has HIV does not put a person at risk, nor does working in an industry with "a lot of gay people."  I worry that your fears are really out of proportion with reality and that they may have a negative impact with interactions with others.  Please consider this.  EWH



Qr. EWH,

Thank you so much for your answers! I understand that I do have a fear of hiv that is out of proportion - thank you very much for pointing this out to me - your opinion matters a lot to me and I will try to address my phobia.

Thank you very much once again.

问:Dr.EWH您好, 非常感谢您的答复!我知道我的恐惧有点过头了-非常感谢你指出这一点-您的观点对我很有用,我将努力摆脱恐惧。


Q: Dr. EWH,

Is it really true that less than 1 in a thousand Americans is infected with hiv? I remember reading something long time ago that said that one in every 92 Americans is infected - that's about 10 times more than the statistics that you mentioned. It would mean that about 3 million Americans would be infected with hiv and if it's 1 out of a thousand it would be around 300, 000.

Thank you very much!



A: there are fewer than 1 million American who have HIV in a nation with a population of nearly 350 million  (1 infection per 350 Americans = 0.3%).   Most infections are present among men who have sex with men or IV drug users.  Among heterosexual men and women, overall there are fewer than 1 infection per thousand Americans.   

This will end this thread.  EWH


Q: Dr. EWH,

Could you please address my last question in this thread - I remember reading that one of the reasons that intercourse with and infected person has high hiv transmission rate is because of the friction during the intercourse the virus is sort of rubbed into the tissue through mucus membranes or micro tears in the skin. Therefore I was just thinking - I remember rubbing my sore on the lip with my tongue for a while shortly after the kiss trying to feel with my tongue how bad of a cut I had in the area where I accidently bit myself. What if there was some infected blood present on my tongue - would the fact that I rubbed it against the sore increase the risk of transmission?

Please answer my last question in this thread Dr. EWH.

Thank you very much for your help.



A: This is a "what if" question in which you are tryng to convince yourself that you are at risk - you are not.  The FACT is that no one ever has gotten HIV through kissing.  No One!  Ever!  This sort of theoretical. fantastical quesation does you no good.  Your WILL NOT be the first person to get HIV by kissing.   Believe the data.  End of discussion.  EWH

发表于 2010-1-24 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
xiao116 该用户已被删除
发表于 2010-1-24 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-24 21:21 | 显示全部楼层
我还想强调下,比起DR HHH,DR EWH是一位更为保守的 专家

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-24 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼上几位  我就是恐接吻 和一个吸毒的坐台小姐接吻了  最近都在恐  现在心里踏实多了  但不去检测可以吗
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-24 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼上几位  我就是恐接吻 和一个吸毒的坐台小姐接吻了  最近都在恐  现在心里踏实多了  但不去检测可以吗
xiao116 该用户已被删除
发表于 2010-1-24 22:29 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-24 22:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-25 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
楼主的资料我很喜欢。我最近就烦恼这个啊,但是时间太短,才刚到2周。这窗口期的折磨就像坐牢一样,而且还是无期徒刑那种。。。可是人家无期徒刑只要表现好,还能转有期。。。这HIV一旦染上了,就game over了。。。
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