Going down on a woman is not a risk for hiv infection. It's a combination of the protective properties of saliva and the fact that it's the fluids that are found deep within the vagina, on the cervix, that are infectious, not the lubricating fluids that originate in two glands on either side of the vaginal opening. It is very difficult to become infected with hiv through the mouth. Even taking the ejaculate of an hiv positive man into your mouth is unlikely to result in infection.
为女性口J是安全的,没有风险。这不单因为唾液的保护作用,同时还因为高含量hiv被发现集中在子宫颈,子宫颈液具有传染性,而不是由于性兴奋在阴道口分泌的阴道润滑液具有传染性。通过口腔很难传染hiv,即便是一个感染的HIV男性射精在你口中。 |